散文:This is my letter to the world(在线收听

 This is my letter to the world,

That never wrote to me, - 
The simple news that Nature told,
With tender majesty.
Her message is committed
To hands I cannot see;
For love of her, sweet countrymen,
Judge tenderly of me!
Emily is writing a letter to the world in the form of a poem.Through her poetry, she is able to tell the world her true thoughts and feelings. We may sense some level of insecurity about releasing the product of her creative inspiration out into the world. Mother Nature does not judge or require anything in return for the simple message she dedicates to invisible hands with tender majesty. As a messenger, Emily is kindly asking the very judgmental countrymen to take it easy on her for the love of nature, perhaps because she is unable to grasp the ability to wholly deliver the nature's news. In the last line, she encapsulated the apprehension of probably every writer or artist who has ever walked the earth. 