世界名人简介 第89期:南希·阿吉莱姆(在线收听

 Nancy Ajram is a Lebanese pop singer. She ranks as the third best-selling female singer in Lebanese history, and has sold over forty million records. She was born in 1983 and started singing at the age of eight. She appeared in a singing contest for kids on Lebanese TV. Four years later she won the gold medal in a popular talent show.

Ajram decided singing was for her, so she studied music throughout her teenage years. She worked with and learnt from many famous Lebanese musicians and artists. She turned professional when she was just 15 and released her first album in 1998. She sang in the traditional Tarab style. She recorded a second album in 2000 and became a star.
In 2003, Ajram made her third album, Ya Salam ("How Fantastic"). A video from the album showing Ajram flirting with men started a lot of controversy in the Arab world but made her more famous. In 2005, she became Coca-Cola’s star and spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa. Ajram's sixth album was aimed at teaching children good values and morals.
Ajram is a rising star in the Arab world. She has turned down offers to appear in movies directed by top Arab directors. She said she is too busy singing, although her fans are waiting for her movie debut. She has won Best Female Arab Singer of the Year twice. She also made the ‘Newsweek’ magazine’s list of Most Influential Arab Personalities in 2005.
在阿拉伯世界,阿吉莱姆是一位正在升起的耀眼明星。她曾拒绝阿拉伯著名导演的电影邀约。尽管她的粉丝希望看到她的荧屏处女秀,但称目前正忙于演唱事业。她曾两次获得阿拉伯年度最佳女歌手。2005年,她荣登《新闻周刊》阿拉伯最具影响力人物榜单。 最畅销的
例句:And yet it is no surprise that Apple 's iPhone was the best-selling phone in Japan last year.
2.Middle East 中东
例句:Middle East peace talks reopen in Washington on Wednesday.
3.wait for 等候
例句:The four-hour wait for the organizers to declare the result
4.turn down 拒绝
例句:As for the decision to turn down Microsoft's$ 33-a-share offer, Yahoo was trading Tuesday at around$ 12.