留美老师带你每日说英文 第473期:饮酒会致你于死地(在线收听


Prefer alcohol as your beverage of choice? 13 consecutive shots could be lethal too. Because alcohol is a depressant, the area in the brain controlling basic life functions like breathing and heart rate begin to shut down.
1.prefer 宁愿(选择)
prefer (v.) 宁愿(选择)
preference (n.) 偏爱
2.beverage 饮料
beverage (n.) 饮料
average (n.) 平均、普通
3.consecutive 连续不断的
consecutive (adj.) 连续不断的
simultaneous (adj.) 同时发生的
4.lethal 致命的
lethal (adj.) 致命的
legal (adj.) 法律的、合法的
leather (n.) 皮革
5.depressant 有镇静作用的、镇定剂
depressant (adj.) 有镇静作用的、镇定剂
depression (n.) 忧郁症、意志消沈
6.breath 呼吸、气息
breath (n.) 呼吸、气息
breathe (v.) 呼吸