影视音乐:梦露低吟浅唱"The River of No Return"-《大江东去》主题曲(在线收听

The River of No Return - Marilyn Monroe

(Mm, if you listen, you can hear it call, "Wailerie.")There is a river called the river of no return. Sometimes it's peaceful and sometimes wild and free. Love is a traveller on the river of no return, swept on forever to be lost in the stormy sea.

"Wailerie," I can hear the river call where the roaring water falls. "Wailerie," I can hear my lover call, "Come to me."

I lost my love on the river, and forever my heart will yearn. Gone, gone forever down the river of no return. "Wailerie, wailerie'" He'll never return to me. No return, no return, no return'
