【有声英语文学名著】CHAPTER ONE(2)(在线收听

 "So, what, are you excited then?‘

Me? God no, I‘m crapping myself.‘
Me too. Christ . . .‘ He turned suddenly and reached for the cigarettes on the floor by the side of the bed, as if to steady his nerves."Forty years old. Forty. Fucking hell.‘
Smiling  at  his  anxiety,  she  decided  to  make  it  worse. "So  what‘ll  you  be  doing  when you‘re forty?‘
He lit his cigarette thoughtfully. "Well the thing is, Em—‘
―Em‖? Who‘s ―Em‖?‘
People call you Em. I‘ve heard them.‘
Yeah, friends call me Em.‘
So can I call you Em?‘
Go on then, Dex.‘
So  I‘ve  given  this  whole  ―"growing  old"  thing  some  thought  and  I‘ve  come  to  the decision that I‘d like to stay exactly as I am right now.‘
Dexter Mayhew. She peered up at him through her fringe as he leant against the cheap buttoned vinyl headboard and even without her spectacles on it was clear why he might want to stay exactly this way. Eyes closed, the cigarette glued languidly to his lower lip, the dawn light warming the side of his face through the red filter of the curtains, he  had the knack of looking  perpetually  posed  for  a  photograph.  Emma  Morley  thought  "handsome" a  silly, nineteenth-century word, but there really was no other word for it, except perhaps "beautiful". He had one of those faces where you were aware of the bones beneath the skin, as if even his bare skull would be attractive. A fine nose, slightly shiny with grease, and dark skin beneath the eyes that looked almost bruised, a badge of  honour from all the smoking and late nights spent deliberately losing at strip  poker with girls from Bedales. There was something feline about him: eyebrows fine, mouth pouty in a self-conscious way, lips a shade too dark  and full, but dry and chapped now, and rouged with Bulgarian red wine. Gratifyingly his hair was terrible, short at the back and sides, but with an awful little quiff at the front. Whatever gel he used had worn off, and now the quiff looked pert and fluffy, like a silly little hat.
Still with his eyes closed, he exhaled smoke through his nose. Clearly he knew he was being looked at because he tucked one hand beneath his armpit, bunching up his pectorals and  biceps. 