留美老师带你每日说英文 第478期:避税天堂巴拿马(在线收听


A German newspaper revealed a trove of evidence linking world leaders to tax evasion, money laundering, and bypassing sanctions. The "Panama Papers" are a collection of 11 and a half million documents concerning offshore companies and tax havens spanning from the 1970s to 2015.
1.trove 重大发现
trove (n.) 重大发现
2.evidence 证据
evidence (n.) 证据
evident (adj.) 明显的、明白的
evidently (adv.) 显然地
proof (n.) 证据
3.evasion 逃避、托辞
evasion (n.) 逃避、托辞
evade (v.) 躲避
invasion (n.) 入侵、侵略
invade (v.) 入侵
4.launder 洗涤
launder (v.) 洗涤
laundry (n.) 待洗衣物
5.sanction 批准
sanction (v.) 批准
sanctuary (n.) 圣殿、庇护所
6.shore 海滨
shore (n.) 海滨
shell (n.) 壳
shall (v.aux.) 应该会
7.haven 避难所
haven (n.) 避难所
heaven (n.) 天堂
8.span 一段时间 / 延伸
span (n.) 一段时间 / 延伸
expectancy (n.) 期望值