英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0505 - 网民多屌丝!?(在线收听

 Topic 1-The Last Downer: China and the End of Down Syndrome

New screenings that can predict if an unborn baby has Down syndrome have sparked wide debate across the world - mostly because their results often lead to parents choosing for abortion.
As China's National Disability Day is around the corner, it's time for us to ask the question again, is it justifiable to abort the baby with Down Syndrome and what should be done in the future?
Topic 2-Chinese Netizen Makeup-Culture Blue Book
A recent report found that Chinese internet users young and poor. With 78% of netizens below the age of 35 and 60% of netizens have not received higher education.
The Culture Blue Book looks as the development of the Chinese culture industry and particularly internet content consumption.
Topic 3-5 Types of Chinese Cab Drivers
They pick you up for an early flight; they give you a ride home after late-night work. The headlights of their cars warm up your heart on a windy night, and that ambiguous smell inside sends you straight to vomit hell. Let's Chinese Cab Drivers!! Inspired by wechat account Shameless.