英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0506 - 什么样的礼物能打动赫扬的芳心?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Beijing Puts Taxi Meters in Ambulances

Beijing is installing taxi-like meters in the city's ambulances in a move to curb customer complaints of overcharging. The municipality is reportedly the first in China to implement such a policy citywide. But will this be enough to regulate the ambulance service?
Topic 2-Girl Blamed for Not Sharing Seat with Elderly on Train
A young woman has been blamed for not giving up her seat to an elderly woman on a bullet train. Should the passenger be expected to offer their seat to somebody in need when they have paid for it?
Topic 3-Straight Men Have No Idea of Choosing Gifts
Who's not happy to receive gifts? Well, some ladies are complaining that their boyfriends or husbands give gifts that are weird beyond belief. Are women too picky? Or straight guys just don't have a clue what a good gift is for a woman?