【跟着英剧练发音】A History Of Britain - 12 B(在线收听

 Just fall in line, be a little reasonable, some judicious supports here and there, and see what you would end up with, the spectacular palace at Fishbourne. The man who built it was Togidubnus, king of the Regnenses in what would be Sussex, one of the quickest to sign up as Rome's local ally.

稍识时务, 跟随潮流,加之一些智囊的耳语诱导,便成就了这位于鱼溪的惊世宫殿。这座宫殿的建造者是托古布诺斯,瑞格斯:罗马不列颠时代的凯尔特王国(瑞格斯,即如今苏塞克斯的国王),最早与罗马缔结盟国合约的部落。