【跟着英剧练发音】South Pacific S01E06 - B(在线收听


Tiger sharks still turn up in Hawaiian waters, drawn here by another great ocean wanderer. These black-footed albatross are certainly an endangered species, but not because of the sharks. Thousands of adult black-footed albatross are caught each year on fishing lines. In fact, 19 of the world's 22 species of albatross are endangered or vulnerable to extinction, largely thanks to fishing. The Antipodean, or wandering albatross is found in the waters around New Zealand, home to the most diverse seabird community in the world. These are rich fishing grounds for fishermen too. The birds know that where there are fishermen, a free lunch is sure to follow. So how does this get them into trouble? With a wingspan over three metres, an albatross is built to soar thousands of miles across the ocean in its quest for food. As it might go for days with nothing, it can't afford to be choosy. Anything near the surface is snapped up. Unfortunately, not everything a fisherman casts overboard is a healthy meal.
