【跟着英剧练发音】South Pacific S01E06 - G(在线收听


These fishermen may not catch as many fish as a purse seiner, but then, that's the point. Whether any fishing is sustainable depends on how many fish are caught, how many are left to breed and how many other species are caught by accident. But these fishermen may have got it about right. The Marine Stewardship Council assesses the environmental impacts of the world's fisheries, and they believe that pole and line fisheries have the potential to be approved as officially sustainable. So now it's down to us, the fish-eaters. It may cost a few pennies more to buy a tin of tuna labelled ''sustainably caught'', but it could ensure future generations can also enjoy a tuna sandwich, tuna steak or sashimi. And protecting the fish will ensure a healthy ocean for all the marine life of the Pacific. It will require international commitment and co-operation, but the whales are a reminder that it can be done. For the whales, for the fish, and for ourselves, the way we harvest the Pacific is key to protecting this fragile ocean paradise.
