【跟着英剧练发音】A History Of Britain - 14 D(在线收听


In 79 AD, an enormous pitched battle took place on the slopes of an unidentified highland mountain, which Tacitus calls Mons Graupius. The result was another slaughter, but not before the Caledonian general, Calgacus, delivered the first great anti-imperialist speech on Scotland's soil.

译文:公元79前, 一不知名的高山丘陵上,一场大规模激战在此上演。塔西陀称其为格劳庇乌山,结局是又一场屠杀。但已是古苏格兰王库斯,伟大的反帝国演讲传遍苏格兰之后的事了。
