【跟着英剧练发音】The Queens Palaces(在线收听



One of the most surprising rooms inBuckinghamPalace,onenot open to the public, is known as the Centre Room. It's decorated in George'sfavourite Oriental style. Most of the treasures in this room came from theRoyal Pavilion inBrighton, George's seasideretreat where he entertained his mistresses. With the help of his favouritearchitect John Nash, George transformed the Pavilion into an exotic fantasy.Britainhadnever seen anything like it. Eventually, the finest of the pieces from Brightonended up here inBuckinghamPalace, an eccentricreminder of George's lifelong passion.

George IV's nursery room was decorated with Chineselatticework. So it would have been one of the first things he saw when he was ababy, and from then on, he was hooked. As an adult, he avidly bought up exoticobjects from the east at a time when no-one else was really interested. Butpeople came and saw the King's collection of chinoiserie, as it's called, andwere suitably impressed and wanted to copy him. And so, George single-handedlysparked a new wave of Oriental fashion.



