【跟着英剧练发音】A History Of Britain - 18C(在线收听


Realising this,the Archbishop of Canterbury attempted to conciliate between the warringfactions, offering Llewellyn land and title in England if he would renounce hisrights in Wales. And the answer to this offer was blunt.

That they must standby their laws and rights in defence of all Wales. The people preferred to dierather than to live under English rule. They would not do homage to anystranger of whose language, manners and laws they were entirely ignorant. They wouldfight in defence of "nostra natsu" - our nation against the English.

When the war wasrenewed, it was with fresh and unsparing savagery. No quarter was given byeither side. The Welsh exploited their land, ambushed slow-moving companies ofknights, and then disappeared off again into the hills and forests.


