【跟着英剧练发音】The Queens Palaces E1-29(在线收听


The cabinet is just one of dozens of French pieces George IVcollected. He adored all things French. In particular, anything that was madefor the court atVersailles.

This curious-looking vase is one of the rarest and mostdelicate objects George ever collected, but it has a very practical purpose, tosolve a rather indelicate problem. It's a potpourri vase, in the shape of aboat, with its tall mast and fragile rigging here. And it was made by the fineFrench porcelain company Sevres in the 1750s, for the mistress of Louis XV,Madame de Pompadour. And she probably kept it in her bedroom in thePalaceofVersailles, and with good reason.Because if you were to step back in time to the rooms inVersailles, you'd find that they. Well, theystank. Sanitation left a lot to be desired, and everyone would walk around witha locket filled with perfume around their necks to try and mask the stench. Andthis would be filled with sweet-smelling lavender and rose petals, to try andmake the palace a bit less rank.




