【跟着英剧练发音】The Queens Palaces E1-30(在线收听


George IV also commissioned art. Antonio Canova was the mostprolific and famous sculptor of the day, especially good at heroic images ofpower and passion.

This imposing statue by Canova is supposed to show George'sprowess in war and in love. And here you have Mars, god of war, being tamed, ifyou like, by Venus, the goddess of love. And even though it's hard marble, itlooks wonderfully soft and fleshy. And then just here is this beautiful tenderspot, a tiny erotic space, carved out between the two curves, male and female.When George commissioned this, it was meant to represent the pacifying victoryofBritainover the warlike Napoleon. But you could also read it in another way. Becausein Greek legend, Mars and Venus had a scandalous adulterous affair, and thatbrings its meaning rather closer to home. Because by this time, George had hadfive mistresses and a string of illegitimate children.



