英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0509 - 女主播不准吃香蕉!(在线收听

 Topic 1-Autistic 4-year-old dies after ‘therapy’ center makes him walk 19 km

A 4-year-old boy with autism has passed away after receiving unproven treatment from an unlicensed autism recovery center in Guangzhou, south China’s Guangdong province. His mother claimed the boy died after a 19 kilometer walk in heavy clothing.
Topic 2-China bans camgirls from “seductive banana eating” online
In a continuing effort to sanitize the Chinese internet, the Ministry of Culture is going after bananas. Chinese live-streaming video websites have announced webcam girls are banned from "seductively eating bananas" as part of a crackdown on pornography.
Topic 3-Parents Ask 12-year-old Son Write I.O.U
A 12-year old boy in Wenzhou was asked to write an I.O.U. to his parents as punishment for secretly spending 9000 Yuan ($1,400) on mobile games. Is it the right way parents used to encourage the son to learn from his mistakes? Should the game company pocket the money the boy paid using his parent’s account?