新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2016/02/03(在线收听

The Beijing Hour

Evening Edition

Shane Bigham with you on this Wednesday February 3rd, 2016.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...

Coming up on the program this evening...

China's State Council has held a briefing to outline the expectations for economic development in 2016...

14 people have been handed prison terms related to the explosion at a factory in Jiangsu province in 2014...

And the British Prime Minister has welcomed the proposals for keeping the UK within the European Union...

In business...relaxed down payment rules for some home buyers in China...

In sports...Guangzhou Evergrande pays a record price for a new striker...

In entertainment...ticket prices and sales dates have been announced for Disney's new resort in Shanghai...

All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, a reminder, there are several ways you can reach us at the Beijing Hour.

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China's economy runs within reasonable range: official

China's State Council has held a briefing regarding the country's national economic development for 2016.

Xu Shaoshi, chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, says China's economy is running within a reasonable range.

"Although there were some changes in China's economic growth rate, it still runs within a reasonable range. During the past year, we all know, Chinese economy was stable as a whole. It was stable but in progress, and worked well."

Last year, China's GDP growth rate was 6.9 percent, the lowest of the past few years. This has triggered concerns over the overall performance of the economy.

But Xu says China is still an important driver of global economy.

"Last year, China's GDP growth rate was 6.9 percent, but it was in line with the official target of around 7 percent. Globally, China's economy growth is still on top. According to data released by the International Monetary Fund, the Chinese economy contributed over 25 percent to the global economic growth and it is still an important driver for the global economic growth."

He says the downward pressure on the world's second largest economy will remain in 2016.

14 jailed for factory explosion killing 146 in China

Fourteen people have been sentenced to prison terms for various offenses related to a deadly explosion at a factory in Jiangsu Province in 2014.

The sentences range from three years to seven- and-a-half years for crimes causing a major safety accident, or dereliction of duty.

Among those jailed are the owner and top managers of Kunshan Zhongrong Metal Products, local firefighting officers and supervisors, and officials in charge of work safety supervision and environmental protection in Kunshan City.

The explosion on August 2nd, 2014 killed 146 people. Another 114 were injured.

Investigators say the explosion occurred after metal dust in a workshop ignited.

CHEMCHINA Makes the Biggest Chinese Overseas Purchase: Report

It's been reported that the China National Chemical Corporation has purchased Swiss agricultural chemistry giant Syngenta.

The total value of the purchase is estimated over 43 billion US dollars, and is the largest overseas purchase by a Chinese company.

The report says the current management team at Syngenta will stay and the company will still be a global enterprise headquartered in Switzerland.

It says a new board of directors will be formed and the chairman of China National Chemical Corporation, Ren Jianxin will be the chairman of the new board.

China is now the world's fastest developing market for agricultural chemicals.

50-thousand stranded passengers at Guangzhou station evacuated


After a rare snowfall hit central and southern China yesterday, thousands of passengers were seen waiting inside and outside the train station in Guangzhou city.

CRI's Min Rui has more on what is happening now.


The snow caused delays for 27 trains, stranding roughly 50 thousand passengers. Guangzhou Railway Group is now using high-speed trains to clear the backlog at Guangzhou station.

Eight high-speed trains from the south headed to central China's Hunan Province on Wednesday.

According to the rail company's plan, passengers whose trains were canceled will be taken to exclusive subways to transfer from Guangzhou Railway Station to the Guangzhou South Railway Station, where they will board high-speed trains.

Liu Hui, deputy master of Guangzhou South Railway Station, explains the procedures, and says an exclusive waiting hall and special passage will be used.

"All the stranded passengers from the eight delayed trains will take special ways from Guangzhou Station to the subway, from Guangzhou subway station to Guangzhou South subway station, from the subway station to the special waiting hall of Guangzhou South railway station. They are separate from the other passengers. The staff members and government officials and subway workers in the special passage are under unified command."

The first high-speed train carrying stranded passengers departed the Guangzhou South Railway Station earlier this morning.

Nearly a thousand passengers originally on a slower train, who were stranded at Guangzhou Railway Station, have now arrived at their destination at Shaoguan Station.

Most passengers were pleased with the arrangement. Ye En is one of them.

"It's very good, because the train takes over three hours, but the high-speed train is much faster. Now I can get home earlier."

This has greatly helped easing the crowded conditions at Guangzhou Railway Station.

Some temporary trains have dispatched from Hunan province to relieve the delays.

According to the station's official updates, as of three o' clock Wednesday afternoon, the number of stranded passengers at Guangzhou Railway Station is down to 30-thousand.

Officials also suggest all passengers keep up with the official announcements, and be aware of the travel rush and make sure they have ample time to board trains.

For CRI, this is Min Rui.

Xinjiang commutes sentences for 11 offenders

The Authorities in northwest China's Xinjiang have reduced the sentences of 11 offenders convicted of jeopardizing national security.

According to a decision by the region's higher people's court, seven of the offenders who had been given life terms were instead jailed from 19 and half years to 20 years.

Among the seven were criminals who instigated secessionist activities or participated in violent terrorist attacks in Xinjiang.

The other four prisoners had their jail terms shortened by six months from the initial 8, 13 and 15 years.

One of the convicts, Memet Tohti Memet Rozi, had close contact with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and the Taliban terrorist group. Court investigations found he set up terrorist training bases in Afghanistan, where native citizens of Xinjiang were trained to become militants.

CPC expels deputy head of Heilongjiang legislature

Senior legislator Gai Ruyin has been expelled from the Communist Party of China and removed from public office.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection says the now former official abused his power.

Gai, who had served as the deputy head of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, was investigated by the CCDI last month.

Gai was found to have violated Party codes of conduct by visiting private clubs and using public money to treat others and travel, and that he attempted to resist the investigation.

He promoted officials illegally, and accepted gifts and cash from people in return for benefits. His family also accepted bribes and "engaged in money-for-sex" deals that Gai knew about but ignored.

Gai's illegal gains will be confiscated and he may face civil prosecution for accepting bribes.

Better Accountability System Urged after Retrials


There are calls for greater efforts to improve accountability in China's legal system, as the public casts doubt over penalties handed to officials responsible for a notorious wrongful conviction in Inner Mongolia.

CRI's Luo Bin has more.


The wrongful conviction of Huugjilt is one of the most notorious cases of judicial injustice in China in the recent decades. The teenager was declared guilty of raping and then murdering a woman in a public toilet, and subsequently executed.

He was posthumously acquitted of the crimes in December 2014, while the real perpetrator was apprehended in 2005 and was given the death penalty last year.

Concerns were raised earlier this week after the north China region announced penalties for officials responsible for the wrongful conviction and execution.

Of the 27 blacklisted officials, 26 received administrative penalties including admonitions and records of demerit, while Feng Zhiming, who had led the investigation, is to be subject to further investigation on charges of job-related crimes.

But some, including the victim's parents, complained the penalties are lighter than expected, and vague.

"Anyone found guilty should pay a price. It was the mistake of a whole team rather than a single person. The penalties should be different according to what role one played in making the conviction."

"It's still unclear what the basis of the penalties is or whether those investigators have been deprived of the merits they gained for handling the case two decades ago."

Some members of the public are also questioning why none of those involved had been held criminally responsible for making the conviction.

He Feng, the former vice director of Hohhot Public Security Bureau, took part in the retrial of Huugjilt's case.

He says there was insufficient evidence that could lead to the conviction of officials.

"A criminal conviction should contain who the offender is, what's the relation between the offender and the victim. It also should make it clear why, where and when the offense was taken. But in this case, we have no idea who tortured Huugjilt, what damages the torture had caused to him, let alone a forensic identification."

Law professor He Jiahong with Renmin University said the judicial authorities have made improvements, but more needs to be done.

"We need to establish a sound system to prevent wrongful convictions and need to do more to address judicial transparency. The judicial organs had done better in the retrial of Huugjilt's case than before, but the improvement was limited and it's the public pressure that forced them to make improvement."

The professor, in particular, suggested more information should be made public in such retrials to ease people's doubts.

"No one is saying how the positions of those involved will change. In fact, the public is eager to know whether involvement in the case will affect the officials' careers. People are especially wondering about the chief investigator Feng Zhiming."

He also said greater efforts should be made to set up standards to ensure justice and transparency during a retrial as well as to decide when any accountability process will start.

It's widely expected a better system will be in place when the accountability process gets underway against another infamous conviction that had left a Sichuan native Chen Man wrongfully behind bars for 23 years.

Chen was sentenced to death, with a two-year reprieve for arson and murder in Hainan in 1994. He was cleared of the charges and released from prison on Monday.

For CRI, this is Luo Bin.

China "seriously concerned" about North Korea satellite launch plan

Chinese officials are expressing concern over North Korea's recently-announced plan to launch a satellite later this month.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang says China hopes Pyongyang will exercise restraint regarding this issue, and deal with it prudently to avoid escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

"We are extremely concerned about this. China believes that North Korea ought to have the right to the peaceful use of space but at present this right has been restricted by Security Council resolutions. In the present situation, we hope North Korea exercises restraint on the issue of launching satellites, acts cautiously and does not take any steps that may further raise tensions on the Korean Peninsula."

Three United Nations organizations have been informed by the North of the plan to launch an earth-observation satellite sometime between February 8th and 25th.

S. Korea, Japan condemn North Korea's satellite launch plan

South Korea and Japan have expressed strong condemnation of North Korea's plan to launch a new satellite.

Both of them say North Korea could be using the launch as a test for a long-range ballistic missile.

South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang Gyun says they have been working with the US to closely monitor North Korea's movements.

"Our military is closely monitoring North Korea's movements on (the possibility of) launching a long-range missile by operating South Korea-United States joint monitoring assets. Our military is maintaining the utmost readiness posture in preparation for North Korea's additional provocation after its fourth nuclear test."

The spokesman said that the country's military has been fully preparing for possible provocations by the North since its last nuclear test in early January.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has also urged the North to refrain from its planned satellite launch.

"Following the recent nuclear test, North Korea's plan on launching a ballistic missile is clearly a violation of the UN Resolution and a grave provocation against the national security of our country. We will cooperate with the US, South Korea, and other countries in strongly urging North Korea to abandon the plan to launch."

North Korea informed several international organizations on Tuesday that it will launch an earth observation satellite on a rocket between February 8 and February 25.

China beef ups anti-Zika virus efforts following WHO declaring global emergency


Chinese health authorities have vowed to tighten measures to prevent Zika virus from entering the country, as the World Health Organization has declared the virus a global public health emergency.

CRI reporter Guo Yan has details.


According to Chinese health authorities, there have been no confirmed cases of the Zika virus in the country. The mosquito-borne disease is spreading through the Americas.

Yet the danger of a Zika virus outbreak will increase as spring draws near and the weather gets warmer.

Gao Fu is the deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. He says more precautions will be taken to prevent Zika virus from spreading to the country.

"We have frequent contacts with countries in South America. And we will probably have more exchanges with South America in these days with the Spring Festival drawing near. Also, the South is getting warmer and the season favorable for mosquito breeding follows. Under such circumstances, the virus could spread to our country. For us, the most important job is to take effective precautions and intensify inspection and quarantine work at customs."

The World Health Organization has declared Zika virus a 'Public Health Emergency of International Concern' requiring a united response

The virus is thought to produce malformations in babies whose mothers have been affected by the mosquito borne illness.

The first case of the Zika outbreak was reported in Brazil last May.

According to UNICEF, more than 4,000 cases of microcephaly in newborn babies in Brazil have been reported.

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan has pointed out further causes for concern, including the broad distribution of mosquito species, lack of vaccines, and reliable diagnostic tests, as well as the absence of population immunity in newly affected countries.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has developed a new detection reagent to the virus and is dedicated to training more staff with local disease control centers.

Gao Fu noted that there's still no substantial result on the development of effective drugs and vaccine against the virus.

He echoed WHO's announcement and called for more investment into the prevention and control on global epidemics.

"I believe the decision from the WHO is not late. The outbreak of the disease warns us that scientists, researchers, and health administrators should enhance our capabilities on taking precautions. Governments and non-governmental organizations should put more effort into researching epidemics and the development of vaccines."

Officials are calling for a coordinated international response to minimize the threats in affected countries and reduce the risk of further spread of the Zika virus.

For CRI, this is Guo Yan.

ZIKA Not a Threat in Africa


The Zika virus was first discovered in a forest in Uganda about 70 years ago.

Some Ugandan scientists say the strain of zika virus found in Africa is not harmful.

Isabel Nakirya reports from the Ugandan Capital of Kampala.


Ugandan scientists studying viruses passed onto humans by mosquitoes say Africa is free from the threat of Zika.

They say the strain in Africa is mild compared to the Asian strain that is causing severe effects in South America.

"The mosquitoes which we have which may transmit this virus or which are known to transmit this virus generally occur in forests and the period when they are active is mostly at dawn and at dusk and at night, these are periods when very few people go to the forest."

The Zika virus was first discovered seven decades ago in a forest in central Uganda when scientists were working on another viral disease spread by mosquitoes.

The virus was named after the forest Zika.

In Uganda there has been no major infections with the few cases passing without notice.

"There is another group of mosquitoes called the Aides Egypt mosquitoes which occurs both in the forest but also in other areas, in homes, in towns. However these mosquitoes do not prefer to bite man so it bites other animals. So because of that, even if one or two people may be infected with the other strain of Zika virus, the chances that it would be moved from one person to another becomes smaller."

Researchers in Uganda intend to carry out more investigations on the virus.

They want to find out if there is a similarity between the strain causing problems in South America and the one in Africa.

The World Health Organization has already declared the Zika Virus a global emergency.

For CRI, I'm Isabel Nakirya in Kampala.

British Prime Minister Welcomes Proposals for Keeping UK in EU

British Prime Minister David Cameron has welcomed the reforms presented by European Council President Donald Tusk that are aimed at keeping the UK in the European Union.

The two sides have been trying to find a way for Cameron to win what he calls the "best deal possible" for Britain while keeping other EU states onboard.

Cameron has pledged to hold an "in or out" referendum by 2017 on whether Britain should withdraw from the EU.

The proposals, outlined by Tusk, appear to address all four areas where Cameron has demanded reform.

Britain would immediately be able to suspend welfare payments to EU migrants for four years if British voters opted to stay in the bloc. The move is aimed at stemming the flow of illegal migrants to the UK.

The proposals also say that Britain, in conjunction with a majority of other member states, would be given new powers to block legislation proposed by the Commission.

Britain may also be able to opt out of further political integration in the 28-member bloc.

Cameron has welcomed the proposals.

"Well, at the beginning of this process we set out the four areas where we wanted to see substantial change and this document delivers that substantial change but of course there are still detail to be worked on, there are important things to be secured, there are further work to be done and of course there is the negotiation at the European Council so hard work but I think we made real progress,"

Some critics have noted that the proposals do not protect the UK and other non-euro zone countries from deeper Eurozone integration, and do not grant London the right of veto over financial decisions.

The reform proposals need to be agreed upon by other EU member states.

Talks at government representative and diplomatic levels are due to start this week and continue up to the summit on February 28th.

For more on this, CRI's Brian Kopczynski earlier spoke with Scott Siegel, Assistant Professor of International Relations at San Francisco State University.


Beijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of -5; more clouds tomorrow with a high of 4.

Shanghai will be cloudy tonight with a low of 1; slight rain tomorrow with a high of 6.

Chongqing will see slight rain with a low of 6; overcast tomorrow with a high of 9.

Lhasa, clear tonight with a low of -4; sunny tomorrow with a high of 15.

Elsewhere in Asia,

Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 21.

Kabul, cloudy, 3.

Down in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sydney will have slight rain, highs of 24.

Brisbane, slight rain, 29.

Perth, sunny, 32.

And finally Auckland will be overcast with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.

Headline News

14 jailed for factory explosion killing 146 in China

Fourteen people have been sentenced to prison terms for various offenses related to a deadly explosion at a factory in Jiangsu Province in 2014.

The sentences range from three years to seven- and-a-half years for crimes causing a major safety accident, or dereliction of duty.

Among those jailed are the owner and top managers of Kunshan Zhongrong Metal Products, local firefighting officers and supervisors, and officials in charge of work safety supervision and environmental protection in Kunshan City.

The explosion on August 2nd, 2014 killed 146 people. Another 114 were injured.

Investigators say the explosion occurred after metal dust in a workshop ignited.

50,000 stranded passengers at Guangzhou station evacuated

Most of the 50,000 holiday travelers stranded in and around Guangzhou railway station by poor weather have left aboard their delayed trains.

Railway officials in the southern Chinese city say a minority of those stranded had accepted refunds and left.

Eight high-speed trains were added on Wednesday to help people get away from Guangzhou ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday celebrations next week.

The snow that has hit central, eastern and southern China since Sunday has disrupted the annual travel rush.

China "seriously concerned" about North Korea satellite launch plan

China has expressed serious concern over North Korea's plan to launch a satellite later this month.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang says Beijing hopes Pyongyang can exercise restraint on the issue and deal with it prudently so as to avoid possible escalating tensions.

He notes that North Korea is entitled to peaceful use of outer space, yet this right is restricted by UN Security Council resolutions.

Lu Kang has pledged that China will continue to communicate with all parties concerned to safeguard peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea has informed three UN organizations of its plan to launch an earth-observation satellite between Feb. 8 and 25.

Police: Australian school bomb threats coming from overseas

Dozens of schools around Australia have received telephoned threats over the past week in what police believe is a hoax being orchestrated overseas.

The automated telephone threats have warned of bombings or shootings at the schools.

Police say the threats are believed to be originating from another country and none represents any legitimate danger.

However, several schools have gone into lockdown and others have ordered evacuations from school buildings affecting thousands of students.

Indian firm develops world's 1st vaccine against Zika virus

An Indian pharmaceutical firm has claimed to have developed the world's first vaccine against the Zika virus.

Biotech International, based in southern India, says it has filed for a patent on the vaccine.

The firm is seeking help from the Indian government in order to carry out animal and human trials on two candidate vaccines.

The claims came a day after the World Health Organization said the Zika virus poses a global public health emergency requiring a united response.

The virus has been linked to about 4,000 birth defects in Brazil.

There have been no reported cases of the Zika virus in India, though the government says a number of samples have been tested.

Biz Reports


Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers in Asia.

Here is CRI's Min Rui.


China's A-share markets closed mixed on Wednesday, as small-cap stocks led a surge and recouped some losses near closing.

Nearly 50 stocks rose by the daily limit of 10 percent, while more than 120 stocks climbed by 5 percent at closing.

Financial heavyweights were among the worst performers. Among them, China's largest brokerage CITIC Securities and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China each fell 1 percent.

At the close,

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.4 percent.

The Shenzhen Component Index increased 0.3 percent.

The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises climbed 0.7 percent.

In Hong Kong, shares dropped on Wednesday, with the Hang Seng Index down 2.3 percent.

Elsewhere in Asia,

Tokyo stocks closed sharply lower on Wednesday.

The benchmark Nikkei lost over 3 percent.

South Korea's KOSPI was down 0.8 percent.

Singapore's Straits Times dropped 1.1 percent.

And finally, Australia's ASX/200 moved down over 2 percent.

China loosens home down payment requirements

China's central bank is moving to stimulate the housing market in certain parts of the country.

Under new regulations, minimum down payments for people buying their first home will be reduced.

The People's Bank of China has announced that down payments for those buyers, financed by loans from commercial banks, will stay at a minimum of 25 percent "in principle."

However, in some cases, the minimum down payment can be lowered to as little as 5-percent.

Zhao Xijun, professor at Renmin University of China, says the new policy will benefit both the home buyers and local governments.

"For the general public, they will have easier access to new homes and better living conditions. As for the government, the policy will help to relieve the burden of property inventory in many areas and cities."

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Sanya are currently the 5 cities in China which have restrictions on home purchases.

New home prices are beginning to rebound again after months of declines, mostly in southern China.

For more on this topic, CRI's Spencer Musick spoke with John Ross, Senior fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.

Visa-free entry for Chinese tourists in Malaysia

Malaysia has scrapped the visa requirement for Chinese tourists starting from March.

The measure aims to revive the country's tourist industry and build up the economy.

Li Zhongping, head of GTC Travel Group, says the new policy is the right move.

"All the people in the industry are dreaming about waiving the visa. We hope this announcement is final and really can help boom the inbound tourism for Malaysia, to bring a lot of China tourists to help the local economy."

Over the past year, the Malaysian government has also taken a series of measures to attract more Chinese tourists to the country, including waiving visa fees and introducing an e-visa scheme for visitors from China.

The measures are aimed at reversing a slide in the number of Chinese tourists to the country since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared in March 2014 with 154 Chinese passengers on board.

However, Hamzah Rahmat, head of the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents, says some of these previous measures may not have been properly implemented.

"The government officials from the other ministries other than the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, they really need to understand what tourism is all about and what tourism brings to the country, especially the economy of the country."

Rahmat adds that he hopes the visa-free measure will be made permanent to turn Malaysia into a favorite destination for Chinese tourists.

Shanda Group plans to make VR theme park a reality

Shanda Group, a Chinese online gaming operator, is planning to build the country's first virtual reality theme park.

The Shanghai-based company has also pledged to invest 350 million US dollars into the VR sector.

The move caused shares in Chinese VR companies to surge on Tuesday.

Shanda's president says the company is introducing a theme park by The Void, a US-based entertainment company that specializes in VR technologies, here in China.

The president has added that Shanda is now moving its strategy from online gaming to the VR market.

Baidu expands its mapping service abroad

Chinese search engine Baidu is expanding its mapping services abroad, to tap into the growing demand from Chinese tourists traveling overseas.

Meantime, Baidu has timed the launch to coincide with Spring Festival, which begins on February 8, to help it gauge user reaction and use.

That information will be analyzed quickly to improve the service.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Transport, the number of outbound Chinese tourists during the upcoming holiday will hit 6 million.

Baidu's expanded service will allow tourists to plan the most appropriate routes, and more services are expected to be added such as navigation and making reservations at restaurants.

China's Lenovo posts surprise Q3 net profit gain

Chinese technology giant Lenovo has posted a surprise gain in net profit for the third quarter of its fiscal year.

Lenovo said net profit for the three months ended December 31st was 300 million US dollars, a 20-percent increase year-on-year.

The figure was also much higher than the average estimate of analysts polled by Bloomberg, who predicted a decline to 240 million dollars.

Revenue for the company's PC business was down 12 percent and revenue for its mobile sector was down 4 percent compared to one year ago.

Group revenue fell 8 percent in the quarter to 13 billion dollars.


Guangzhou Evergrande picks up Jackson Martinez

in some domestic football news:

Guangzhou Evergrande has picked up former Athletico Madrid Striker Jackson Martinez for a four year contract, according to information posted on the team's website today.

Evergrande has set a new Chinese Super League transfer record after paying 42 million euros to pick up the star athlete.

This move comes after the CSL champions sold their top scorer, Elkeson to SHanghai SIPG for 20 million Euros in January.

The 29-year-old Colombian Striker will join Evergrande on Febuary 9th, when the team starts winter training.

As China's transfer window stays open until February 26th, more deals could be coming through.

As always, we will keep you posted.

Gao Hongbo returns to Chinese national team

and in some other domestic Football news:

Former national team coach for China, Gao Hongbo, will take up his mantle again, on an interim basis, according to a press release by the Chinese Football Association on Wednesday.

Gao is replacing Alain Perrin after the French coach was sacked following China's third place in the second round of qualifiers for the 2018 world cup.

Gao has formerly coached the national team between 2009 and 2011.

China's next qualifying game will be on March 24th against the Maldives.

All eyes will be on him, as he seeks to correct China's misfortune in their 2018 World Cup Qualifying Campaign.

Arsenal ties Southampton; falls further in league standings

in some news from the English Premier League:

Arsenal has fallen far from grace after their game against Southampton on Tuesday.

The once top team is now in 4th place in the league standings after a 0-0 draw to Southampton.

Manager for Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, spoke about how he was feeling after the game.

"It is, because we produced quite a good performance, especially in the second half, where we created 10 goal chances and at the end of the day we came out with no goal. I believe that the performance we wanted to produce was there, but we can of course not be happy with the way we finished our chances. That, I think, is what is the most disappointing. Some players missed some chances that usually they take, and our finishing is very bad at the moment."

Next up for Wenger's team will be a match against Bournemouth on Sunday.

Bournemouth offer's little intimidation for Arsenal as their league standings put them at 15.

But following Sunday's game Arsenal will have to prep for a face-off against Leicester, the new league leaders.

Their game will happen on the 14th of this month.

Manchester United beats Stoke City 3-0

in some other EPL news:

Manchester United is fighting for their top five position after beating Stoke City 3-0 on Tuesday.

United has had mixed luck lately in their games after suffering a loss against Southampton, 0-1, on the 23rd of last month.

Looking forward, United will have to play wild card's Chelsea in their next match on Sunday.

Man U's manager Louis Van Gaal remains optimistic for the future, believing that his players play every game to their top potential.

"Every player has to prove it every week, even my captain (Wayne Rooney, scorer of third goal) has to do that. Everybody has forgotten that he was substituted against Stoke City away. For everybody, it's always the same with me. You have to prove it every game, every training session, and then you play. But when he (Rooney) plays like this, I cannot say to him, go to the bench."

League 14's, Chelsea will be coming into Sundays match after claiming 2 wins and 2 ties in their previous 4 games.

One of Chelsea's wins was against former league number 1's Arsenal.

Japan's Hiromi Miyaki preps for lifting weights in the Rio games

In some Olympic news:

With the Rio games just around the corner, Athletes like Japan's, Hiromi Miyaki, are in a frenzy to make sure they are prepared to compete.

The Japanese Weight lifter, who won silver in the 2012 London games, has been training twice a day in preparation.

While speaking with the media, Miyake claims that her toughest opponents will be China and herself in the upcoming competitions.

"China is definitely our strongest competitor by country, but I think my biggest rival is within. I'll work firmly towards my goals and hope that when I compete with the top Chinese athletes, I can compete offensively and not defensively. Beyond that there may be something, but before that, I want to win over my own weakness."

In 2012, competing in the 48 kilo class, Miyaki lost to China's Wang Mingjuan, who extended a 10 year unbeaten record after lifting 205 kg's.

The Rio games will be Miyaki's 4th Olympic competition.

Panthers hold press conference ahead of Superbowl

and in some American Football news:

The Superbowl is just days away as the Panthers and Bronco's prep for their final face-off.

Ahead of the game, the Panther's held a press conference.

Quarterback for the team, Cam Newton spoke about how he feels playing the Broncos.

"They're a great team, very athletic, very athletic. And that's where this team is different, because the playmaking ability is a majority rather than a minority for this team. You spoke on (T.J.) Ward, you spoke on (Darian) Stewart, you got (Bradley) Roby, they have (DeMarcus) Ware, (Von) Miller, just a list of guys that can impact a game at any split second and we can't allow them to do that."

The Superbowl is one of the world's biggest sporting events.

The showdown will begin on February 7th, at 3:25 pm, California time

Denver player sent back home

and in a quick update from the Broncos side:

Ryan Murphy of the Denver Broncos has been sent back to Denver following a prostitute sting in San Jose.

The practice squad safety was detained by police on Tuesday but would later be released the same day, after his name was cleared.

However, Broncos coach Gary Kubiak announced that Murphy will be going back to Denver.

Kubiak stated that he is doing this because he believes it will be best for the team heading into the Superbowl.


Shanghai Disney Resort Start Pre-ticketing Mar 28.

Shanghai Disney Resort has set its ticket price at 370 yuan, or 56 US dollars for standard days, and 499 yuan, or 75 dollars for peak days, such as holidays and weekends.

The announcement was made through the theme park's official Sina Weibo account, which also says the pre-ticketing time will start from the 28th next month.

Shanghai Disney Resort will open on June 16th, and peak prices will be in effect until the end of that month.

There will also be a 25 percent discount for children, elderly and people with disabilities.

Like all the other Disney resorts, the ticket provides access to all the rides and shows in the park.

China's Spring Festival Gala video shown at NYC Times Square

For the second straight year, a publicity video for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been presented at Times Square in New York City.

The 30-second video, which features a collection of acts including traditional operas, acrobatics, and martial arts, started airing last Friday and will run five times an hour 24/7 until Feb. 15.

The video is being played on a 19-meter high, 12-meter wide LCD screen.

Many tourists say they were impressed by the dazzling performances shown in the video.

"What I'm impressed at was that you can have that many people doing movements at the same [time]. That’s what the Chinese are known for, doing precision work with a lot of people involved, especially with the Olympics opening, with the drums." 

"A lot of colors, a lot of joy, a lot of dance. I really like it. It's beautiful to look at." 

"I hope there will be more Chinese elements in other countries so that foreigners can learn about Chinese culture."

The Spring Festival Gala, also known as "Chunwan," is shown on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year, an important occasion for family reunions. For more than 30 years, the televised event has become an annual ritual for Chinese families, including overseas Chinese, who will also watch the marathon show.

This year's Spring Festival Gala will be shown starting from 8 in the evening on Sunday.

Chinese sci-fi novel international bestseller

The English edition of "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin has sold more than 110 thousand copies worldwide since its debut over a year ago.

The figure was released by the book's English copyright holder today.

The first part of the Three-Body trilogy, translated into English by Chinese-American writer Ken Liu, won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel, and has made more than 2 million U.S. dollars.

The other two books are "The Dark Forest" and "Death's End."

The trilogy depicts the story of an alien invasion of Earth while the first book, "The Three-Body Problem," centers on a secret military project that enables humans to establish contact with the aliens who teeter on the edge of extinction.

The trilogy has sold more than 1 million copies in China.

Liu Cixin was the first Asian writer to win the Hugo Award, generally considered the highest honor for sci-fi works.

Lady Gaga to Sing National Anthem at Super Bowl

Lady Gaga is set to sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl on Sunday.

The National Football League broke the news on Tuesday, saying that Gaga will sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California.


Beijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of -5; more clouds tomorrow with a high of 4.

Shanghai will be cloudy tonight with a low of 1; slight rain tomorrow with a high of 6.

Chongqing will see slight rain with a low of 6; overcast tomorrow with a high of 9.

Lhasa, clear tonight with a low of -4; sunny tomorrow with a high of 15.

Elsewhere in Asia,

Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 21.

Kabul, cloudy, 3.

Down in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sydney will have slight rain, highs of 24.

Brisbane, slight rain, 29.

Perth, sunny, 32.

And finally Auckland will be overcast with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.

That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...

Recapping our top stories...

China's State Council has held a briefing to outline the expectations for economic development in 2016...

14 people have been handed prison terms related to the explosion at a factory in Jiangsu province in 2014...

And the British Prime Minister has welcomed the proposals for keeping the UK within the European Union...

In business...relaxed down payment rules for some home buyers in China...

On behalf of the Beijing Hour team, its Shane Bigham in Beijing. Join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together...
