新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2016/02/22(在线收听

The Beijing Hour

Evening Edition

Spencer Musick with you on this Monday Feburary 22nd 2016.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...

Coming up on the program this evening...

Its been announced that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will make a visit to the US this week...

This year's Boao Forum for Asia set to focus on new ways to fuel world economic development...

Tropical cyclone Winston tearing through the Pacific island nation of Fiji over the weekend, killing at least 20 people...

In business..Chinese home buyers set to pay fewer taxes on property transactions starting from today....

In sports...Xinjiang snatching the last semi-final spot after ditching the Beijing Ducks 103-94 last night in the CBA...

In entertainment...the Lantern Festival Gala is ready to roll on CCTV-1 and CCTV-3 tonight..

Top News

Chinese FM Wang Yi to Visit the US

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit the US from Tuesday to Thursday at the invitation his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying made the announcement at a regular press briefing on Monday.

"The two sides will discuss bilateral relations, as well as regional and international issues of common concern. This will mark Minister Wang's first trip to the US this year and another important step in Sino-US exchanges. We hope the two sides will create a road map for high level exchanges and dialogue mechanisms between China and the US in 2016, as well as for cooperation in various fields. We also hope the two sides will hold constructive conversations on sensitive issues and further promote bilateral ties."

Hua adds that the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is going to be on the agenda:

"Recently, China and the U.S. has been keeping close communication and coordination on the Korea Peninsula nuclear issue. I believe, during his visit to the U.S., Foreign Minister Wang Yi will continue to discuss the issue with the U.S. side."

Hua reiterated that China supports the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as well as overall peace and stability in the region.

She said all parties should engage in dialogue and consultation to resolve the issue.

Boao Forum for Asia to Focus on New Dynamics for World Economy

Organizers of the Boao Forum for Asia say this year's event will focus on new ways to fuel world economic development.

The 2016 annual conference of the forum will be held on March 22 to 25 in Boao, a costal town in China's southernmost island province of Hainan.

A total of 12 dialogues with entrepreneurs have been arranged, covering such fields as cutting-edge technology, advanced manufacturing, and emerging industries.

Founded in 2001, the Boao Forum for Asia is committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries closer to their development goals.

European Chamber of Commerce in China Issues Report on Overcapacity

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China on Monday issued a report on China's industrial overcapacity.

It says overcapacity in the steel sector has the biggest impact on the EU, where trade protectionism has risen against steel products from China.

Joerg Wuttke, President of the European Chamber of Commerce, said the No. 1 measure needed to address the issue is to enhance fiscal support to localities.

"Why do local governments support companies beyond their shelf life? Because they don't have enough money. They are worried about loss of business. They are worried about unemployment. So they keep going. So Beijing has to fiscally put the local government in a position that they have the money to serve the social obligations they have."

The runner-up strategy proposed is to make sure that local governments strictly enforce regulations set by central authorities.

Wuttke said such local protectionism is the biggest obstacle preventing China from resolving overcapacity.

The report also coincides with the announcement that China will control land use for new coal and iron and steel projects in 2016.

Jiang Daming, China's Minister of Land and Resources, explains:

"The State Council has decided not to approve or put on file any new coal and iron and steel projects within three years. The land and resources departments at all levels must strictly guard land supply links as part of their duties."

The State Council, China's cabinet, announced earlier this month that the country will reduce its steel production capacity by 100 million tonnes to 150 million tonnes over the next five years.

The EU has urged China to curb overcapacity as it worries steel imports from China may hurt its domestic interests.

The bloc also announced that it is considering new anti-dumping investigations this month.

Beijing to Raise Threshold for Issuing Air Pollution 'Red Alerts'

Beijing is to raise the thresholds for issuing its highest air pollution warnings.

The decision came after smog triggered the city's first ever "red alerts" two months ago.

Beijing's environmental protection bureau said in future, the highest alert will only be issued when the daily average air quality index is forecast to exceed 500 for a day, 300 for two days in a row or 200 for four days.

At present, a red alert is issued when the index is forecast to exceed 200 for at least three days.

The new criteria takes effect at the end of March and are designed to standardise pollution alerts across Beijing, neighbouring Tianjin and four cities in Hebei province.

It will then expand to a larger area.

Beijing last month announced it would close 25-hundered small highly-polluting firms this year. It also plans to develop a network of ventilation "corridors" to help disperse smog.

But environmental officials also admit that China is unlikely to meet air quality standards until at least 2030.

Beijing Fair Brings Opportunities to the Service Sector

Authorities have announced that an annual international trade fair will be held in Beijing from May 28th to June 1st of this year.

So far, 27 countries countries and regions have confirmed their attendance.

This is in addition to delegations from 31 Chinese provinces and cities.

The China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services has seen deals worth some 220 billion US dollars sealed during the past three events.

Zhao Zhongyi is deputy director of China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges with Chinese ministry of Commerce.

He says the upcoming trade fair will bring new opportunities to the country's service sector:

"This year's fair is being held in the first year of the China's 13th five-year-plan. It will highlight national strategies such as "the Belt and Road" initiative, and the coordinated development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province."

Yan Ligang, the director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce, says the service industry has already become the driving force of the host city's economy.

The capital is the first city in China to start a trial program of reform in its service sector.

China Releases Guidelines to Build Better Cities


Chinese authorities have issued new guidelines on urban development.

CRI's Xie Cheng with more on what observers say is a bid to make the country's sprawling cities more livable, efficient and green.


Urbanization in the past few decades has brought about significant social and economic changes in China.

However, rapid urbanization has also spawned serious problems such as traffic jams, pollution and public safety hazards.

To cure such urban ills, the document released on Sunday set a variety of basic principles, key tasks and targets for future urban development and management.

Zhang Linwei, an official from China's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said the document put forward many specific issues concerning urban construction.

"The document mentions issues including energy savings, green development, environmental protection, road construction and planning, and ecological remediation. It also gives some instructions on issues such as water and air, two important factors affecting urban life."

According to the guidelines, China will limit cities from growing beyond the means of their natural resources and environment.

Priority will be given to the protection of farmlands, while land for construction use will be properly allocated.

Illegal construction will be inspected and cleared up during the next 5 years, and efforts will be intensified to cut cities' pollutant emission by increasing suppllies of clean fuel.

The document also called on city planners to differentiate cities with special urban landscapes based on local characteristics.

Yang Baojun, deputy head of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, explained the benefits of the new guidelines.

"If we see it from an international perspective, distinguishing local characteristics to improve charm of the city is an important step to improve the city's competitiveness, because a city with its own characteristics can make its residents have a sense of pride and identity."

The document also urged that building design and construction processes should not only consider exterior factors, but also other factors such as resource and energy conservation as well as environmental protection.

The renovation of rundown urban areas and dilapidated housing will be completed by 2020 so as to provide low-income urban residents with affordable and high quality housing.

Meantime, urban planning and construction of infrastructure will be improved both underground and overground with better standards and project quality.

Zhang Linwei explained further about plans to improve drainage systems.

"By 2020, 20 percent of the cities should have drainage systems which meet requirements of 'Sponge City'; by 2030, 80 percent of the cities should reach the requirements of 'Sponge City'. The guideline clearly indicates that 'light rains should not result in water logging and heavy rains shoud not cause serious flooding in cities. Moreover, the urban heat-island effect should be alleviated."

The guidelines comes as the municipal authority of Beijing has announced plans to build ventilation corridors to help air flow through the city and blow away smog and pollutants from the capital.

The guidelines also say that China will further raise the penetration its public transport network by 2020 in a bid to ease traffic jams in cities.

Smart cities' development through Internet technologies like big data and cloud computing has also been encouraged in a bid to upgrade urban management and services.

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.

Mainlanders Flock to Buy HK Insurance Products


Latest figures suggest a growing number of Chinese mainland residents are travelling to Hong Kong to buy insurance products and services.

The same data also shows that mainlanders paid more than one fifth of new office premiums in Hong Kong in the first three quarters of 2015.

CRI's Li Jianhua reports.


Hong Kong agents are banned from selling their products on the mainland, but mainland travelers can buy policies when they visit the city.

According to figures from Hong Kong's office of the Commissioner of Insurance, mainland visitors bought insurance premiums worth 2.7 billion U.S. dollars in the city in the first three quarters of last year, accounting for 22 percent of new office premiums in Hong Kong in that period.

That represents nearly a five-fold increase from 2011.

Hong Hao, from the local BOCOM International Holdings Company, believes the cheaper prices and higher returns of insurance products in Hong Kong play a key role in attracting mainland buyers.

"Insurance products sold in Hong Kong are, in general, cheaper than those sold in the mainland market. In some extreme cases, we've seen 50 percent discount between Hong Kong products and mainland products. For example, in the past 10 years, the average expected return for Hong Kong insurance products is five to nine percent. I think on the mainland it's probably less than five percent. So if you assume the currency exchange rate is stable, then the return of the Hong Kong insurance products here can be a lot more attractive."

Analysts say that insurance products provided in Hong Kong outstrip those offered on the mainland also in many other aspects, such as product innovation, scope of protection and the quality of service.

Among the attractions of local insurance policies is the wider variety of currency and investment choices as the city is able to offer products denominated in US or Hong Kong dollars, in addition to the Yuan. There is also a wide range of investment choices and terms available there.

On the mainland - insurance policies are denominated in yuan and are mainly invested in bank deposits or bonds.

However, analyst Hong Hao warns that for investors who want to hedge risks by diversifying investment tools, it is not devoid of danger, especially when it comes to currency fluctuations.

"In the past 10 years, the Hong Kong dollar has depreciated against the mainland currency by about 24 percent. So even if you get a more attractive return from the Hong Kong insurance product, you stood to lose 24 percent over the past five to 10 years. So in that way, from the investment perspective, you may not be able to get the expected yield you are getting from the Hong Kong insurance product after factoring in the currency fluctuation."

Hong Kong has seen its insurance market expanding rapidly in recent years.

With a population of around 7 million, the city has about 160 insurers, the largest number of authorized insurance companies in Asia.

For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.

People Hold Activities to Celebrate Lantern Festival


People across China are decorating lanterns, preparing delicacies and organizing lion dances to celebrate the Lantern Festival today.

As CRI's Luo Bin reports, various lantern shows have become regular features of celebrations in cities and villages across the country for the festival.


The Lantern Festival is held on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, and marks the first full moon of the Lunar New Year.

The Festival also brings down the curtain on the Spring Festival holiday.

Apart from lantern shows, people across the country have different ways to celebrate the festival, such as performing folk dances and of course setting off fireworks.

In south China's Nanning City, magnificent lanterns of various shapes and sizes hang in the streets and always attract countless visitors.

Jiang Yutong, a local resident, says the show is a fantastic visual experience.

"My favorite lantern is that meteor shower tree. It's covered by glittering lights from top to its root, just like a real meteor shower. It's very beautiful. I wish for happiness for the entire family and booming days in the new year."

In southwest China's Guizhou Province, ethnic minorities also use lanterns to reflect their lives and express good wishes for the future.

Cheng Zonggui from the organizing committee of the lantern festival says every lantern has special ethnic characteristics.

"We have 18 ethnic minorities here in Weining, so we designed the lanterns based on the distinct characteristics of each ethnic minority. We invited professional craftsmen from Zigong of Sichuan Province, who spent a month on making the lanterns."

Rooted in tradition, nowadays the making of lanterns has been moving with the times, embracing new technology.

Liu Huijun, a textile worker says their creations of lanterns are made from recycled materials.

"For example, this lotus lantern is made from baling wires, recycled textiles, recycled wire and light bulbs. Others are also made from recycled materials."

Elsewhere in China, people in Mawei in southeast Fujian Province and Mazu Island in Taiwan share the holiday spirit by sending lanterns across the Taiwan Straits.

More than 30 sets of lanterns featuring the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac made their way from Mawei to Mazu.

Initiated in 2003, this gesture of cross-Straits friendship marks the first national intangible cultural heritage coordination undertaken jointly by the mainland and Taiwan.

Even though the nature of celebrations varies from place to place - some things seem to be the same wherever you go - such as eating sweetened rice dumplings.

In Beijing, a manager at a traditional Chinese food shop says the sales of sweet dumplings have reached a high point.

"This year, the sales peak for sweet dumplings comes earlier than previous years. In the past, we sold around 500 kilograms every day. But we sold more than 700 kilograms every day this year and there is even a shortage of supply."

Naturally enough, with Chinese community spread throughout the world, Lantern Festival celebrations can be found everywhere you go.

Several hundred thousand visitors came to see the lanterns, sample Chinese food and be entertained by a host of international performers in the New Zealand city of Auckland.

Jennifer King, director of culture at the Asia New Zealand Foundation says the celebrations bring Chinese culture closer to them.

"It draws people closer together. People just through osmosis learn a lot about Chinese culture coming here. We design our lanterns to say something about Chinese culture."

Lantern Festival traditions can be traced back thousands of years, and judging by the number of events taking place across China and the world, seem likely to continue for a long time to come.

For CRI, this is Luo Bin.

Cyclone Winston Kills 20 in Fiji

Tropical cyclone Winston tore through the Pacific island nation of Fiji over the weekend, killing at least 20 people.

Many people are still hunkered down in hundreds of evacuations centers across the country on Monday, while authorities have begun a massive cleanup effort.

Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama says the cyclone's intensity reached an historic level.

"It's supposed to be the most devastating storm on record in the Southern Hemisphere - Category Five when it reached our shores in last couple of days. The damage has been widespread, homes have been destroyed, many low-lying areas have flooded and many people have been left stunned and confused about what to do. "

Winds from the cyclone reached 325 kilometers per hour, destroying villages and cutting off communications.

Seven fishermen remain missing as Fiji has declared a state of emergency.

The Australian and New Zealand governments have provided aid supplies to Fiji.

The Chinese government says it is also working on a plan to send emergency aid to Fiji.

South Koreans Protest against Japan's Claims over Ownership of Disputed Islands

South Korea's foreign ministry has summoned a Japanese minister and the deputy chief of mission of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, Hideo Suzuki, to protest a ceremony held by Japan in support of its claim to disputed islands.

The islands, called Takeshima in Japanese and Dokdo in Korean, are now controlled by South Korea.

Cho June-hyuck is a South Korean foreign ministry spokesperson:

"The South Korean government strongly protests the Japanese government's sending of a senior central government official again to the so-called "Takeshima Day" ceremony, hosted by a provincial government in Japan on February 22, as well as demands it prevent any reoccurrence of this incident."

Also on Monday, South Korean activists held rallies to protest Japan's claims over ownership of the disputed islands.

Dozens of South Korean activists gathered near the Japanese Embassy in Seoul and tore up Japanese text books.

Moon Jai-ik is the protest leader.

"The Japanese government is well aware that Dokdo is South Korea's territory, however, it has distorted (history) little by little every year and made far-fetched claims. But Japan should stop making a futile attempt and acknowledge Dokdo as South Korea's territory since South Korean people will protect it."

Ties between the two countries have been frayed by disputes over territory and Japan's three-decade long colonisation of the Korean peninsula.

Syria Sees Highest Bombing Death Toll as World Powers Seek Ceasefire

Five deadly bombings killed at least 150 people in central and southern Syria on Sunday.

It is one of the highest death tolls in a single day during the five year-long conflict.

Twin bombings first rocked the al-Zahra' neighborhood, a pro-government district in the central city of Homs, killing around 60 people.

A few hours later, a spate of bombings rocked the predominantly Shiite district of Sayyidah Zaynab in the Syrian capital Damascus.

Anas Kassar is a local shopkeeper.

"I just read about it (Sayyida Zeinab bombing). It's in the suburbs of Damascus. We just kind of got used to it but we're still trying to get out of this situation. We've been living like this for 5 years now. I always follow the news and we're waiting for the good news. Nobody knows when the good news is coming."

The death toll in Sayyidah Zaynab has reached 90.

The militant group calling itself the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the five bombings.

Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Conditions for Hostilities Cessation in Syria

US Secretary of State John Kerry says he's reached a provisional agreement on a ceasefire in Syria's five-year civil war with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, by phone.

Kerry made the announcement at a news conference in Amman with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.

He also said he anticipated that US President Barrack Obama and Russian President Vladmir Putin would be speaking in coming days in order to carry things further.

"We have reached a provisional agreement in principle on the terms of a cessation of hostilities that could begin in the coming days. It is not yet done and I anticipate that our presidents, (US) President (Barack) Obama and (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin, may well speak somewhere in the next days or so in order to try to complete this task."

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed Lavrov and Kerry had spoken about conditions for a ceasefire in Syria on the telephone, saying further work would be done through the interaction between the two countries' foreign and defense ministries.

Headline News

Chinese Foreign Minister to Visit U.S.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay an official visit to the United States from Tuesday to Thursday.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says Wang Yi will meet with US Secretary of State John Kerry and other senior officials to discuss bilateral ties and other regional and international issues of mutual concern.

North Korea and the South China Sea are expected to top the agenda during Wang Yi's stay in Washington.

The ministry says this is the first visit to the US by China's foreign minister in the year 2016, adding that China hopes the visit will help set the tone for the development of the China-US relationship in the new year.

China Takes Lead in Providing Aid to Fiji after Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston Struck

China has provided emergency humanitarian aid of 100-thousand U.S. dollars to Fiji, becoming the first country to do so in the aftermath of a severe tropical cyclone that has killed at least 20 people in the Pacific island nation.

A Chinese embassy official says China will to whatever it takes to help the Fijian people rebuild their homes following the disaster.

Cyclone Winston tore through Fiji late on Saturday with winds of up to 325 kilometers per hour, becoming one of the most powerful storms recorded in the southern hemisphere.

Rescue workers say the death toll could rise as some of the worst-hit outlying islands have yet to be reached.

Fiji has declared a state of natural disaster for a period of 30 days as a massive cleanup is underway.

Infighting among Afghan Taliban Claims 33 Lives: Police

More than 30 Taliban militants have reportedly been killed because of infighting between supporters and opponents of Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor in eastern Afghanistan.

The police chief in Ghazni province says up to 33 militants have been killed over the past week during fighting to control the Nawa district, some 200 km south of Kabul.

However, a Taliban spokesman has rejected this, saying there has been no fighting in the district.

3 Killed in U.S. Drone Strike along Pakistan-Afghan Border

At least three suspected militants have been killed in a U.S. drone strike along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Pakistani media say the strike was launched near Kurram Agency, a tribal area in northwest Pakistan.

The identities of the militants are not yet known.

If confirmed, it would be the second such attack in Pakistan since the beginning of this year.

Pakistan has always been opposed to U.S. drone strikes in its territory.

Biz Reports



Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing market data in Asia.

Here is CRI's Fei Fei with the numbers.


China's stocks soared to a one-month high on Monday, following the appointment of a new regulatory head on Saturday.

Liu Shiyu, a veteran banker, will head the country's securities regulator.

Shares in real estate led the charge, after authorities announced a cut to home purchase taxes on Friday, in an effort to destock property inventory and boost sales.

At close,

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index surged 2.4 percent, regaining its 29 hundred point mark.

The smaller Shenzhen Index jumped 2 percent.

The small-cap ChiNext Index of growth enterprises climbed 1.6 percent.

In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index grew some 1 percent.

Elsewhere in Asia,

Markets also rose helped by higher Chinese stocks and the rebound in oil prices.

In Tokyo, the benchmark Nikkei added 0.9 percent.

South Korea's KOSPI ended almost flat.

Singapore's Straits Times edged up 0.3 percent.

And finally, Australia's ASX/200 moved up some 1 percent.

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CRI's Fei Fei reporting.

Net Inflow of Financial FDI Drops in Q4

The net inflow of financial foreign direct investment into the Chinese mainland reached some 1.1 billion yuan in the fourth quarter.

That figure dropped from 1.5 billion yuan in the previous quarter in 2015.

The country's forex regulator also said that a net outflow of 43 billion yuan was registered in the quarter for domestic financial institutions.

By the end of last year, the net outflow of Chinese financial institutions hit 75 billion yuan, double the figure for 2014.

In the same period, foreign investors have put a total of 69 billion yuan into the country's finance sector, while taking away some 20 billion.

China Lowers Taxes on Property Transactions


A new policy has taken effect today that allows home buyers to pay fewer taxes on property transactions.

For first-time buyers, a tax of one-percent will be charged on a property with a floor area less than 90 square-meters.

For properties covering more than 90 square meters -- they will be taxed at 1.5 percent.

That tax rate used to float between 1.5 and 3 percent.

However, the biggest cuts are for second-time buyers who seek a floor area larger than 90 square meters -- tax on these will now be 2 percent, one percentage point lower than before.

But this cut doesn't apply to the mega cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Shenzhen.

These tax cuts are the third stimulus measure this month, after the central bank lowered down-payments in non-first-tier cities, and increased interest rates for public accounts designed for home purchasing.

These measures are aimed at "de-stocking" the property market, as China's cabinent has said more than 700 million square meters of floor area are vacant in the country.

For more on these developments in China's property market, CRI's Zhao Yang spoke earlier with Winston Wong, Managing Director of Shipstone Group Limited.

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That is Winston Wong, Managing Director of Shipstone Group, speaking with CRI's Zhao Yang.

HSBC Profit Edges up in 2015

HSBC has reported profits of 18.9 billion U.S. dollars for last year, up just 1 percent from a year earlier.

That result missed earlier market expectations of 22 billion dollars.

The bank also posted a pretax loss of 860 million dollars in the fourth quarter.

At the same time, the largest bank in Europe delivered a 7.2 percent return on equity, the lowest since 2009.

This while it says it is targeting an ROE of 10 percent by 2017.

HSBC chief executive Stuart Gulliver said in a statement that a slowing world economy as well as hefty tax bills in the U.K. have weighed on the profit result.

In a bid to boost profitability, the bank has been pushing plans that would invest heavily in Asia, especially in China.

HSBC is also in a process of cutting 25 thousand jobs that would help save 5 billion dollars by the end of 2017.

Last week, HSBC decided to remain headquartered in London after the U.K. government reduced its levy on bank balance sheets.

Huawei Unveils First Tablet, Facebook Partners with Samsung on VR and 360 Videos

Chinese smartphone maker Huawei has launched its first Windows tablet MateBook at the ongoing Mobile World Congress in Spain.

The Matebook targets professionals that would otherwise purchase a Microsoft Surface.

The basic device is priced at 799 dollars in the US.

According to Huawei, the MateBook will be available worldwide "in the coming months."

Also, at the MWC, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg appeared at the Samsung event and announced his company's partnership with Samsung on virtual reality and 360 videos.

"Since then I've been interested in this idea of virtual reality and I've been waiting for the day to come when I could deliver this experience. Now today, thanks to this partnership between Samsung and Facebook, this is now possible and that day is here."

The social network would use Samsung's technology to drive 360 degree video content which has been running on the platform for the past year.

At the event in Barcelona, Samsung introduced a virtual reality camera called 'Gear 360' which allows filming in 360 degrees.

The firm also unveiled new smartphones the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge.

Ali Health Hands over Online Drug Monitoring Platform to Authority

Alibaba's Ali Health is said to be in talks with China's food and drug regulator on handing over its electronic drug monitoring system to the authority.

The regulator suspended the system on Saturday, saying it is soliciting public opinion to revise regulations monitoring pharmaceutical sales.


CBA/NBA Results

Beginning with action from the CBA play-offs.

Xinjiang have snatched the last semi-final spot after ditching the Beijing Ducks 103-94 last night.

The took the series 3-1 to eliminate the defending champions.

The Ducks are the first title holders to have been ousted in the first-round play-offs in CBA history.

Xinjiang are up against Sichuan in the next best-of-five series this Friday.

The other bracket has Liaoning taking on Guangdong.

All other three teams swept their first-found series.

In the NBA this morning,

Jeremy Lin had 11 points and 5 assists as Charlotte won their fifth straight game against Brooklyn 104-96.

Kobe Bryant and the LA Lakers went down to Chicago 126-115.

Cleveland continue to lead the Eastern Conference with a 115-92 success over Oklahoma City.

Anthony Davis soared to 59 points and 20 rebounds to help New Orleans overcome Detroit 111-106.

Davis set a new record for personal career best and is the new top scorer in franchise history.

Phoenix have lost their last 11 games having been defeated by San Antonio 118-111.

Chelsea Reach FA Cup Quarterfinals

In football,

Chelsea compensated their Champions League 2-1 loss in Paris with a 5-1 thrashing of Manchester City at the FA Cup.

Diego Costa fired Chelsea to the lead but David Faupala canceled it two minutes later.

Chelsea lit up the second half with four more goals to seal a spot in the quarterfinals against Everton.

Manager Guus Hiddink says they had to respond to City's choice of a young squad accordingly.

"It's a boost for the confidence of the players and it's good to see that, although the first half we knew that we would play against a team with some changes, but it's not always easy when youngsters are coming in and not get sloppy in organization, which we did when they made the equalizer on the break of half-time, but I think we had a very good reaction in the second half."

City have bigger priorities when they travel to Ukraine for the Champions League tie against Dynamo Kyiv on Wednesday.

Back in the FA Cup,

West Ham rolled over Blackburn 5-1.

And it is Crystal Palace moving past Tottenham 1-0.

Copa America Draw Results

In more football action,

This year's centennial edition of the Copa America is to take place outside South America for the first time.

Hosts United States will open the tournament with Colombia in Group A as teams discovered their playmates after a draw in New York on Sunday local time.

Manager Juergen Klinsmann says he is excited for what is ahead.

"Oh, I think it's very very exciting having Colombia with this wonderful team that they have. We played a year and a half ago actually in London in a test game and we lost at the very end and it was a fantastic game, so this is gonna be very exciting to start the tournament in Santa Clara against Colombia and then Costa Rica and Paraguay, two other very strong teams, so this is what the Copa America is all about, it's about getting challenged these are top teams and we gonna do well."

Lionel Messi and Argentina were offered a chance to strike back at Chile who denied their crown in the last edition in June.

Both teams are in Group D which also has Bolivia and Panama.

Ten cities in the US will host the Copa America starting from June 3rd.

Watson, Fraser Winners in California, Malaysia

In golf,

Bubba Watson rallied with two late birdies and closed with a 3-under 68 to win the Northern Trust Open in California by one shot.

It is Watson's ninth PGA title and his first in 6 months.

Watson says he is happy about the way his games are evolving with the help of caddie Teddy Scott.

"Yeah for sure, we've been working on it hard. Slow process, instead of swing thoughts and swing, it's all about the mind. And so for me it's staying patient and Teddy (Scott) in my ear. And Teddy's (Scott) been a blessing with that. It's been a struggle over the five years but it's working in the right direction."

Halfway leader Jason Kokrak finished tied for second with Adam Scott.

Making his debut at the Riviera Country Club, Rory McIlroy carded a final round of 75 to finish at 6-under and tied for 20th place.

At the Maybank Championship in Kuala Lumpur,

Marcus Fraser won his first European Tour title by two shots over Lee Soomin.

Lee was leading up until the 16th hole where he was two shots up. His double bogey-par-double bogey at the last three saw the trophy slip out of his hands and go to Fraser.

Lee had to settle for joint second with Miguel Tabuena.

And it was a day to forget for Chinese golfers.

Jin Cheng had four bogeys and a double bogey for a round of four-over. He is tied for 54th place overall at even par.

Wu Ashun's round of 3-over included three bogeys and a double bogey. He is 60th at two-over.

On the LPGA Tour,

It is Japan's Haru Nomura holding off Lydia Ko to win the Women's Australian Open by three shots.

Chinese golfers Lin Xiyu and Yan Jing closed it at five and two under respectively.

O'Sullivan Wins 7 Frames in a Row to Win Welsh Open

In snooker,

Ronnie O'Sullivan upset Neil Robertson 9-5 to win his fourth Welsh Open title and the 28th ranking event crown of his career.

Robertson opened to a 5-2 lead before O'Sullivan got into the grooves and won the next seven frames in a row.

He finished it off in style with a 141 break in the last frame.

O'Sullivan matched Steve Davis and John Higgins' record to become the second player with most ranking titles in history.

He also bagged 60-thousand pounds of prize money.


CCTV Lantern Festival Gala Ready to Roll

The Lantern Festival Gala is ready to roll on CCTV-1 and CCTV-3 tonight, which is also deemed as the curtain-closer celebration show for China's Lunar new year.

Lv Yitao, the chief director for this year's CCTV Spring Festival gala, will continue to take charge of the Lantern Festival show.

Being as a scaled-down version of the Spring Festival Gala, the Lantern Festival show will feature 21 performances consisting of a number of songs, dances, acrobatics and skits.

Other than being the host for the show, Dong Qing will also perform a magic act, while Singaporean singer Kit Chan will present audiences with a song for wanderers who work away from their homes.

An interactive performance between a Marionette and a robot is also slated to take place during tonight's show.

Similar to this year's Spring Festival gala, tonight's Lantern Festival show will also be staged in Beijing and four different sub-venues representing the north, south, east and western regions of China.

Tonight's Lantern Festival Gala is scheduled to start at 8 p.m.

New TV Series Based on Gu Long Classic

A new TV series "Xiao Shiyi Lang" which was adapted from Taiwan novelist Gu Long's early classic novel "The Eleventh Son" is making waves on China's TV screens.

The 42-episode series starring veteran actor Yan Yikuan and actress Gan Tingting, features a love story involving orphan martial artist Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Different from previous editions, this latest TV adaptation focuses more on the martial arts, as Hong Kong director Guk Gaau-leung described it as a bid to revive the currently flagging martial arts film genre in China.

Yan, who plays the leading role of Xiao Shiyi Lang, comments on the production.

"It is true that martial arts run through the whole drama, and helmer Guk is particularly fastidious and critical about it."

Gu Long, who ranks alongside Louis Cha as the master in Chinese martial arts novels, wrote more than 60 novels in a 25-year career.

His novels, adapted more than 200 times for the screen, have also been translated into French, English and Vietnamese.

"The Eleventh Son" was his first work to be translated into English.

"The Big Bang Theory" Celebrates its 200th Episode

"The Big Bang Theory" celebrated its 200th episode with a birthday party at Vibiana in Los Angeles on Sunday, with the cast of the drama attending.

This 200th episode will fall in Season 9, episode 17 which is scheduled to air CBS at 8 pm on Thusday night.

Moreover, the City of Pasadena, where the entire nine-seasons of this hit comedy series are set, declared that Thursday, February 25 will officially be proclaimed "The Big Bang Theory Day", within Pasadena city limits.

During the birthday party, actress Kaley Cuoco who plays the leading role of Penny in the drama, talked about the Big Bang Theory's incredible run.

"This is unbelievable. To still be number one, it makes no sense. We have amazing writers, an amazing cast and crew of people. This is a dream come true."

First debuting in the fall of 2007, the drama has drawn in countless awards and clung to the title of No. 1 comedy.

The 200th episode is set to revolve around Sheldon's birthday, which coincidentally happens to be February 25th.

Adam West, who is most-known for his iconic lead in Batman, will also guest star in the episode.

Special Poster and MV of "Zootopia" Released for Lantern Festival

Walt Disney Animation released special poster for the upcoming animated film "Zootopia", along with the theme song music video for China's Lantern Festival.

The theme song titled "Try Everything" is sung by the Colombian singer Shakira, who also said hi to Chinese audiences.

"Hi everyone, it's Shakira. I'm going to play small snippet of my new song "Try Everything."

The movie is about an idealist rabbit, partnering with a fast-talking and scam-artist fox, Nick Wilde, working together to solve a mystery.

The two animals then develop a relationship and become friends at last.

Byron Howard of "Bolt" and Rich Moore of "Wreck-It Ralph", along with script writer Jared Bush co-directed the movie.

The film is slated to hit Chinese 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D theaters on Mar. 4, the same date as in North America.

That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...

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Tropical cyclone Winston tearing through the Pacific island nation of Fiji over the weekend, killing at least 20 people...

On behalf of the Beijing Hour team, its Spencer Musick in Beijing. Join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together...
