留美老师带你每日说英文 第485期:美国的种族问题(在线收听


The large number of racially charged issues in the headlines in the last few years proved that the country's race problem is a systemic one. In other words, we all bear responsibility for dealing with it.
1.racial 种族的
racial (adj.) 种族的
race (n.) 种族
ratio (n.) 比例
2.issue 议题
issue (n.) 议题
issue (v.) 发行、发布
3.prove 证明
prove (v.) 证明
proof (n.) 证明
evidence (n.) 证据
4.systemic 系统的
systemic (adj.) 系统的
system (n.) 系统
systematic (adj.) 有条理的
5.bear 承受
bear (v.) 承受
bare (adj.) 裸的、光秃秃的
6.responsibility 责任
responsibility (n.) 责任
responsible (adj.) 需对... 负责的