中国学生1.5亿买下加拿大豪宅 老外都吓傻了(在线收听

The majority owner of a Point Grey mansion that was sold earlier this year by Canaccord founder Peter Brown for a record $31.1 million is a “student,” property records show.
Land title documents list Tian Yu Zhou as having a 99-per-cent interest in the five-bedroom, eight-bathroom, 14,600 square-foot mansion on a 1.7-acre lot at 4833 Belmont Ave.
中国学生1.5亿买下加拿大豪宅 老外都吓傻了
Zhou’s occupation is listed as a “student.” The other owner of the property, which boasts sweeping views of the North Shore mountains and Vancouver, is listed as Cuie Feng, a “businesswoman.”
Feng has a one-per-cent interest in the property, which was assessed this year as having a total value of about $25.6 million, records show.
如果你的眼前突然出现这样一幢豪宅,你会用什么词语来形容它?奢华、品位、显贵、骄奢淫逸?还是就一个字,大?豪宅用英语表达是“mansion”,“spacious mansion”意思为里面地方很大的豪宅(豪宅地方能不大吗?)
“luxurious mansion”意思为豪华的豪宅。另外,美国现在流行一个有讽刺意义的词,叫McMansion,指那些建造得毫无特点,千篇一律的豪宅,可以翻译为”麦当劳豪宅”(啥玩意==)。
如此的有钱人,那么用英语如何来表达非常有钱呢?在英语俚语中“loaded”意思为“极其富有的,钱很多的”。例如:Let her pay—she's loaded.让她付钱--她有的是钱。这里要注意,loaded只能用作表语,组成系表结构,后面不能接名词,(比如:他是一个极其富有的人。He is a loaded man. 这是错误的。)