微软下月将关闭MSN中文网 重点转向Win10推广(在线收听

 Microsoft is shutting down its Chinese web portal, MSN China next month, according to the reports of the Wall Street Journal.

Microsoft will be focusing on software and services for Windows 10 going forward instead of online content.
微软公司将会把重点从提供线上内容转向为Windows 10设备提供软件和服务。
The technology giant posted a notification on its MSN China website saying the portal, which delivers Web search services as well as news and lifestyle information, will cease on June 7.
微软下月将关闭MSN中文网 重点转向Win10推广
"Microsoft is deeply committed to China, offering a range of products including Windows 10, cloud services, and hosting the largest research and development center outside of the U.S", a spokesperson of Microsoft said.
微软公司的一位发言人表示:“微软投入大量精力发展中国市场,提供了包括Windows 10和云计算在内的一系列产品,还在那里设立了美国之外最大的研发中心。”
This means that after that date, visitors to cn.msn.com will see a directory page of Chinese websites along with a Bing search bar.
The software giant said it plans to continue to invest in other business in the country as well as maintaining its research and development operations there.