走进耶鲁大学 第4期:斯特林纪念图书馆(2)(在线收听

 The area from the entrance to the information desk is called the "nave",the same as that in a church. The Nave is decorated with marble reliefs depicting the history of Yale Library. For instance, on the left hand at the entrance, it is the story of Yale's founding-donating books, while paintings on stained glass windowpanes tell the history of New Haven and Connecticut. There are some 3,300 hand-decorated windows, depicting everything from fiction to history and even small insects. When sunshine pours in, visitors may see shadows on the floor. How amazing!

按照教堂的风格,从人口到信息台的区域被称做"中殿"。中殿的墙壁上到处都是大理石浮雕,展示着耶鲁图书馆的历史。比如,在进门的左手边,就是一组描绘赠 书立校的雕刻;彩色玻璃窗上的图案则讲述着纽黑文和康州的历史。斯特林图书馆共有约3300扇手绘窗户,其图案五花八门,从传说到历史以至小小的昆虫。阳光洒进来, 参观者可以看见地板上的阴影,那是多么美妙的景象!
Due to limited space, Sterling was expanded. The adjoining underground Cross Campus Library which has two levels was built in 1971,connecting to Sterling via an underground tunnel. It was renovated and renamed to Bass Library in 2007. Bass Library currently contains an additional 150,000 volumes. In 1997,the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library was constructed in one of Sterling's unused courtyards.
由于空间受限,斯特林图书馆后来进行了扩建。跨校园图书馆是一座地下图书馆, 共两层,建成于1971年,它们之间通过一条地下隧道连结起来。跨校园图书馆经过整修, 于2007年更名为现在的Bass图书馆。目前,此馆拥有藏书15万册。1997年,在斯特林久置不用的一处院落里,又建造了欧文 S吉尔摩音乐图书馆。
Except for Sterling Memorial Library, we have to mention Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The library possesses one of the greatest collections of rare and historical books and manuscripts in existence. Many are unique in the world, with its greatest treasure being Gutenberg Bible - the first Western book printed from movable type. In order to protect these precious books from direct sunlight,Beinecke is made of semitransparent marbles from Vermont, with no windows at all. It is said that in case of fire, the building would be emptied from oxygen by special devices to prevent the books from burning.
除了斯特林纪念图书馆,还有一座图书馆不得不提,那就是贝克尼珍品与手稿图书馆。该馆是收集现存珍品、古书、手稿数目最多的场馆之一,其中许多都是独一无二的,而其镇馆之宝--《古腾堡圣经》是欧洲最早的活字印刷本。为了避免这些珍 贵的图书因阳光直射而受损,图书馆外墙全部由产自佛蒙特州的半透明大理石拼接而 成,看不到一扇窗户。据说,一旦发生火灾,工作人员将启动特殊装置将馆内的空气 抽空,以免书籍被烧毁。
On the circulation desk of Sterling Memorial Library, it says: people come and go, while knowledge accumulates day by day. Indeed, books are the foundations of Yale. Walking into Yale libraries, you are indulging yourself in the riches of knowledge.