留美老师带你每日说英文 第494期:怀孕对大脑的影响(在线收听


Mothers had more intense brain activity in the dopamine reward system, than women had never had children. This system is involved in reward learning and its the same that makes us crave certain foods or become addicted to drugs. It motivates us to act in ways that get us closer to the reward - in mother's cases, a baby.
1.intense 强烈的
intense (adj.) 强烈的
intensify (v.) 使...更激烈
tense (adj.) 紧绷的
2.reward 报答
reward (n.) 报答
award (n.) 奖励
3.crave 渴望
crave (v.) 渴望
craving (n.) 渴望
carve (v.) 雕刻
carving (n.) 雕刻
4.addicted 上瘾的
addicted (adj.) 上瘾的
addiction (n.) 瘾
addict (v.) 使成瘾
addict (n.) 上瘾的人
5.motivate 激发动力
motivate (v.) 激发动力
motivation (n.) 动力