【英语趣味课堂】20个问题-20 Questions(在线收听

Senum: Hey, Brett, how are you?
Brett: Pretty good, how are you?
Senum: Good, thank you.
Brett: Hey, do you want to play a game?
Senum: Sure. What sort of game?
Brett: Let's play 20 questions.
Senum: OK, go ahead.
Brett: OK, who am I thinking about?
Senum: Man? Is it a male?
Brett: Yes, it's a male.
Senum: Is he an actor?
Brett: Yes, he's an actor.
Senum: Does he have short hair?
Brett: Yes, he has short hair.
Senum: Right. Is he famous?
Brett: Yes, he's famous.
Senum: Does he have blue eyes?
Brett: Yes.
Senum: He does have blue eyes?
Brett: No, he has...
Senum: He doesn't have blue eyes?
Brett: No, he doesn't have blue eyes.
Senum: Does he have brown eyes?
Brett: Yes. 
Senum: Is he short?
Brett: No.
Senum: Is he in the Ocean's 12?
Brett: Yes. 
Senum: He is!
Brett: Yes.
Senum: OK. Is he married, currently?
Brett: NO.
Senum: He isn't married?
Brett: No.
Senum: OK. Is he tall?
Brett: Yes.
Senum: OK. Is he George Clooney?
Brett: Yes.
Senum: Great. OK, my turn now. Who am I think about it? 
Brett: Is he a male?
Senum: Yes. 
Brett: Is he an actor?
Senum: No. 
Brett: Is he a singer?
Senum: No.
Brett: Is he a politician?
Senum: Yes. 
Brett: Does he have white hair?
Senum: Yes.
Brett: Yes. Is he American?
Senum: No.
Brett: Is he British?
Senum: No.
Brett: Is he Australian?
Senum: Yes. 
Brett: Is he your Prime Minister?
Senum: He is.
Brett: Is he John Howard?
Senum: Yes, he is. Well done. 