

  1 Plant / flowers
  When was the last time you bought a flower?
  What kinds of flowers do you like?
  Do flowers in your country have different connotations being put in different positions?
  Have you planted any flowers at home?
  Do flowers have any special meanings in your country?
  Do people in your country like to send flowers as gift?
  2 Noise
  Is your working place or study place noisy?
  What kinds of sounds do you like to listen to?
  What kinds of sounds do you dislike?
  Is the place you live noisy?
  Do you think the world is getting more and more noisy?
  3 Walking
  Do you like walking?
  Do you walk to school or the working place?
  Where do you think is most suitable for walking?
  4 Hats
  Do you like wearing hats? Why?
  Did you like wearing hats where were young?
  Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable hats?
  What kinds of hats do you like?
  What kinds of hats do you dislike?
  5 Art/painting
  Are you interested in arts?
  Do you want to learn arts in the future?
  What kinds of art forms do you like?
  What kinds of art forms do you dislike?
  Do you like drawing or painting?
  6 Communicating
  Are you good at communicating with others?
  How do you usually communicate with your friends?
  How often do you communicate with your parents?
  Do you think there is any difference between communicating with friends and parents?(Letters or emails)
  Do you write many letters or emails?
  Who do you usually write to?
  Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?
  How often do you write an email or a letter?
  What are the differences between emails and letters?
  Do you think people will still write letters in the future?(Mobile phone)Which one do you prefer, emails or letters?
  Do you prefer calling people or texting messages?
  Have you ever got difficulties replying texts?
  Will you text people back?
  When can't people answer your phone?