
Twists and Turns Aplenty in US Presidential Race 美国总统竞选状况复杂曲折

Even as Americans pause for this week’s Memorial Day holiday, much attention is focused on the presidential contest, where almost-daily twists and turns are confounding conventional wisdom in what has become an unusually turbulent end of the primary campaign season.

In January, New York businessman Donald Trump was one of more than a dozen Republican presidential contenders in a field with no clear favorite. By contrast, Hillary Clinton stood as the front-runner over just two Democratic rivals.


Last week, Trump officially clinched the Republican nomination.“We’ve won the nomination – big – by numbers that you can’t believe.”


While Clinton has to campaign hard to avoid embarrassing defeats closing out the primaries.“Thank you, San Francisco!”


Making matters worse, last week’s inspector general report that her email usage as secretary of state violated agency policies,putting Clinton on the defensive.“The use of personal email was a practice by other secretaries of state, and the rules were not clarified until after I had left.And, as I’ve said many times, if I could do it over again, I would have done it differently.”


“When I watch Hillary Clinton, as I say ‘Crooked Hillary’, she is crooked.But she lies – Hillary is a disaster, folks, she has bad judgment.”Trump meanwhile agreed to and then turned down a proposed debate with Clinton challenger Bernie Sanders.


“What I hope will happen is that, in fact, I will run against him as the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.And if I do, we’re going to beat him and beat him bad.”Beating Trump is one idea Sanders and Clinton agree on.


“The stakes could not be higher; there is absolutely no way that we can let Donald Trump get anywhere near the White House.”But with Clinton and Sanders still battling each other, the Democratic Party is not unifying behind either.


Rank-and-file Republicans, meanwhile, are showing some signs of rallying behind their nominee-to-be,leading to the first ever polls showing Trump tied or slightly above Clinton.“And I’m leading in the polls, we’re leading in almost every poll now.Do you believe this? It’s so great.”


Primary season ends next Tuesday, when America’s biggest state, California, and several others get their say.

