【英语趣味课堂】医院的食物-Hospital Food(在线收听

 Todd: So, Barbara, we're talking about your time in the hospital. You were in the hospital for sometime. First of all, how long were you actually in the hospital?

Barbara: Well, I was in two hospitals actually. At first, I was in a big hospital for three and a half weeks and I was on a drip for all of that time, and they didn't let me eat anything, and the first couple of days, they also didn't let me drink anything.
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Todd: Whoa!
Barbara: Yeah.
Todd: So you were on a drip… I'm sorry, how long?
Barbara: Three and a half weeks.
Todd: Whoa! No solid food for three and a half weeks.
Barbara: No food for three and a half weeks.
Todd: Man!
Barbara: Yeah, I was dreaming about my mother's cooking, and I was dreaming about roast chicken and roast lamb and man, the smells and the tastes came back to me, but there was no food.
Todd: But after like, say two weeks or something, does your body just get used to not having food?
Barbara: Yeah. Yes, it does. Definitely. And I lost a lot of weight, but actually I felt fine. Friends who came to visit me in the hospital were surprised and they were like, “Wow! Where's the rest of you?”
Todd: You did lose a lot of weight. Actually, how much weight did you lose?
Barbara: I lost, well, I started losing weight because I was changing my diet just before I got ill. In the last eighteen months, I've lost twenty kilos.
Todd: Whoa! That's a lot.
Barbara: That is, indeed, yeah.
Todd: Twenty kilos… Wow! Well, you look great. You must feel great.
Barbara: I feel much better. Actually I think sick with that was probably a good thing. It made me take stock and reevaluate things and get healthy.