留美老师带你每日说英文 第497期:黑市中的个人信息(在线收听


Experts suggest that there are "robust economies" in places like Eastern Europe for stolen information. Social security numbers, credit card numbers and addresses are the most sought after information on the black market.
1.robust 强健的、茁壮的
robust (adj.) 强健的、茁壮的
robustness (n.) 结实
robot (n.) 机器人
2.economy 经济、节约
economy (n.) 经济、节约
economic (adj.) 节约的
3.stolen 窃取
stolen (v.) 窃取
steal (v.) 窃取
steel (n.) 钢铁
still (adv.) 依旧
stole (v.) 窃取
4.security 安全
security (n.) 安全
secure (adj.) 安全的
5.address 住址;致...
address (n.) 住址;致...
6.sought 寻找
sought (v.) 寻找
seek (v.) 追寻