留美老师带你每日说英文 第498期:章鱼的大脑是如此不凡!(在线收听


And octopus intelligence isn't just useful for octopuses. Their radically different nervous system and autonomously thinking appendages have inspired new research in developing flexible robots made of soft materials.
1.octopus 章鱼
octopus (n.) 章鱼
October (n.) 十月
2.radical 极端的、根本的
radical (adj.) 极端的、根本的
3.nervous 紧张的
nervous (adj.) 紧张的
nerve (n.) 神经
4.autonomous 自主的
autonomous (adj.) 自主的
5.appendages 附属物
appendages (n.) 附属物
appendix (n.) 附录
6.inspire 激励、鼓舞
inspire (v.) 激励、鼓舞
inspiration (n.) 灵感