【英语趣味课堂】苏格兰的城市-Scottish Cities(在线收听

Matt: So, Rachel, where are you from?
Rachel: I'm from Scotland.
Matt: Okay, Okay. Scotland like, what's the biggest city in Scotland would you say?
Rachel: The capitol city is Edinburgh but the biggest city, size-wise and population-wise is Glasgow.
Matt: Okay and you lived in ...? Did you live in one of those two cities?
Rachel: My grandparents lived in Edinburgh and I lived in Glasgow for quite awhile at university.
Matt: Okay. I'm under the impression that there's a lot of rain in that area. Is that true or?
Rachel: Yeah, pretty much.
Matt: Yeah, we both come from rainy climates.
Rachel: Yeah, the West Coast of Scotland gets more rain that the east coast, so it's Glasgow that gets more rain than Edinburgh but Edinburgh has this very bitter cold wind, and it's really chilly.
Matt: All year round or just in the winter?
Rachel: No, pretty much all year round. Yeah.
Matt: Interesting. Tell me about Glasgow. What kind of city is it?
Rachel: Glasgow? When I was a kid was actually sort of very rundown, and it used to be famous for boat building and industry. But yeah, when I was a kid, I mean it was famous for being a very rough town and lots of unemployment. Lots of social problems, and then it just went through a kind of renaissance and got lots of money from the European Union and then the town just totally transformed. When I go back it's so different.
Matt: How is it different? Is it like more of a center for art than it was? Or is it ...? Like what's different?
Rachel: It did become a city of culture. And I think that reflects the sort of liveliness of the people of Glasgow. Like they're just, they have such a good sense of humor. They're very friendly. Quite different from Edinburgh where they're much more reserved I think.
Matt: People are a little uptight.
Rachel: Yes, yes, so .. not uptight but they're not so friendly as Glaswegians.
Matt: Glaswegians!
Rachel: Yes.