
 Hillary Clinton plans to deliver a scorching assessment of Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy prescriptions on Thursday, casting her likely Republican rival as a threat to decades of bipartisan tenets of American diplomacy and declaring him unfit for the presidency.

希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)计划周四对唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的外交政策方案进行一次严厉的评估,将这个很有可能成为其共和党对手的人描绘成两党几十年来拥护的美国外交信条的威胁,宣布他无法胜任总统一职。
Mrs. Clinton’s campaign aides said the speech, which she will deliver in San Diego, would be the start of a persistent assault to portray a potential Trump presidency as a dangerous proposition that would weaken American alliances and embolden enemies.
The argument will include specific criticism of comments Mr. Trump has made about rethinking the United States’s support of NATO; his proposal to allow Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons; his vow to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the United States; and his pledge to advance the use of torture and kill the families of suspected terrorists.
But Mrs. Clinton will also invoke her experiences as secretary of state, including in 2011 when she supported President Obama’s decision to send Navy SEALs on a raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden, to make the case that Mr. Trump does not have the temperament to make such decisions.
但克林顿还会提到自己担任国务卿时的经历,包括2011年支持奥巴马总统派海军海豹突击队前往巴基斯坦,突袭击毙了奥萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden),以证明特朗普不具备做出这类决定所需的性格。
“Donald Trump is unlike any presidential candidate we’ve seen, maybe ever, certainly in decades, in that he does not cross the threshold of fitness for the job,” said Jake Sullivan, Mrs. Clinton’s top policy adviser, who helped draft the speech.
“唐纳德·特朗普不同于我们几十年来,或许是有史以来见过的任何总统候选人,他不会达到胜任这份工作的标准,”克林顿的高级政策顾问杰克·苏利文(Jake Sullivan)说。他参与了演讲稿的起草。
Mrs. Clinton will deliver the address on her final campaign swing before California holds its Democratic primary on Tuesday, when she is widely expected to reach the threshold of delegates needed to secure her party’s nomination. But in choosing to raise concerns about Mr. Trump’s foreign policy stances, she will be speaking to swing voters in general election battleground states who have doubts about a Trump presidency.
While Mrs. Clinton must be cautious not to alienate liberal Democrats who oppose some of her hawkish foreign policy stances, her campaign says national security could be the catalyst that drives independents and wavering Republicans to support her this fall.
Roughly 21 percent of independent voters and 32 percent of Republican voters said the most important issue this election was terrorism and national security, compared with 16 percent of Democrats, according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll conducted last month. At the same time, 61 percent of registered voters said a Trump presidency would make America’s image in the world worse, according to the latest New York Times-CBS News poll.
萨福克大学(Suffolk University)和《今日美国报》(USA Today)上月联合进行的一场民调显示,大约21%的无党派选民和32%的共和党选民表示,这次选举最重要的问题是恐怖主义和国家安全,相比之下仅16%的民主党人这么认为。与此同时,《纽约时报》联合CBS进行的最新民调显示,61%的已登记选民认为,特朗普当总统会让美国在全世界的形象变得更差。
“There are many Republicans concerned about this,” R. Nicholas Burns, an American ambassador to NATO during the George W. Bush administration who also served on Bill Clinton’s National Security Council, said of Mr. Trump. “They find his policy positions beyond the pale, and they’re also turned off by his vulgarity.”
“很多共和党人担心这个问题,”曾在乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)政府时期担任美国驻北约大使,并在比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)的国家安全委员会(National Security Council)任过职的R·尼古拉斯·伯恩斯(R. Nicholas Burns)说到特朗普时说。“他们觉得他的政策立场越界了,他的粗鲁也让他们很讨厌。”
To that end, the Clinton campaign and its outside advisers have embarked on an effort to reach out to prominent moderate Republicans who could endorse Mrs. Clinton, largely making the case for foreign policy sure-footedness.
Those calls have included to an aide of the 2012 Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, and to Nicholas F. Brady, who served as secretary of the Treasury under Mr. Reagan and the elder Mr. Bush, with plans to reach out to James A. Baker III, a White House chief of staff to President Ronald Reagan and secretary of state under President George Bush.
他们已致电的人士包括2012年共和党提名人选米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的助手,以及曾在里根和老布什任内担任财政部长的尼古拉斯·F·布雷迪(Nicholas F. Brady),还计划争取詹姆斯·贝克三世(James Baker III),后者曾分别在罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)总统和老乔治·布什(George Bush)总统任内担任白宫幕僚长和国务卿。
In her debates with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Mrs. Clinton has defended her foreign policy decisions, including urging the Obama administration to join a NATO-led coalition to oust Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya and her 2002 vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq, which she later said was a mistake.
与佛蒙特州参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)辩论时,克林顿为自己的一些外交决策做了辩护。其中包括推动奥巴马政府加入由北约(NATO)领导的联军,推翻穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(Muammar el-Qaddafi)在利比亚的统治;以及在2002年投票支持在伊拉克使用武力——她后来说那是一个错误。
In an interview Wednesday night, Mr. Trump criticized Mrs. Clinton’s early support for the Iraq war, which he said he opposed, and questioned her judgment in Libya. “Bernie Sanders said it and I’m going to use it all over the place because it’s true,” Mr. Trump said. “She is a woman who is ill-suited to be president because she has bad judgment.”
As each candidate argues the other is unfit to occupy the Oval Office, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers are preparing to make a case against Mr. Trump that will be jarringly different from the sparring of past presidential campaigns over foreign policy. “It’s not like the campaign against McCain or Romney, which was two competing visions,” said Derek Chollet, a former White House and Pentagon official under President Obama.
在每一个候选人都宣称其他人不适合入主椭圆形办公室(Oval Offic)之际,克林顿的幕僚正准备拿出充分的理由反对特朗普,这种交锋将和以往的总统选战中与外交政策有关的对垒截然不同。“这不同于跟麦凯恩或者罗姆尼之间的那种关乎两大互相竞争的愿景的选战。”曾在奥巴马任内担任白宫和国防部官员的德雷克·夏勒特(Derek Chollet)说。
Instead, he said, Mrs. Clinton will remind voters that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and the North Korean government of Kim Jong-un have expressed support for Mr. Trump, who has suggested a willingness to talk directly with Mr. Kim, a pariah worldwide.
他说,克林顿会转而提醒选民,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)和金正恩(Kim Jong-un)领导的朝鲜政府已经表达了对特朗普的支持,而且特朗普表示愿意和在全世界都不受待见的金正恩直接对话。
Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton was “fraudulent” in her misrepresentation of his foreign policy positions, explaining that he supported global alliances, but believed that the United States should shoulder less of the financial burden.
“Our country can’t afford to protect the world anymore, and at least not get reimbursed for it,” he said.
Mrs. Clinton has delivered a series of foreign policy speeches over the course of the nominating fight that included calling for accelerating the American-led operation to defeat the Islamic State, ending the economic embargo against Cuba, and pledging unwavering support of Israel.
克林顿在争夺提名的过程中,已经发表了一系列以外交政策为主题的演说,包括呼吁加快推进由美国领导的打击伊斯兰国(Islamic State)的行动,并结束对古巴的经济封锁,以及做出坚定不移地支持以色列的承诺。
And she had already begun to lay the groundwork against what she called Mr. Trump’s “reckless actions” on foreign policy.
The San Diego speech, to be delivered in a city known for its military presence at a time when Mr. Trump is facing scrutiny over his donations to veterans’ groups, will present a more sweeping — and fearsome — portrayal of Mr. Trump, one that the Clinton campaign will deliver like a drumbeat to voters in the coming months.
“There’s not a lot of room left in terms of new proposals,” Mr. Sullivan said. “This is a speech about a vision and principle and purpose, not individual policy proposals.”