学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2549 refugee camp(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是refugee camp. Refugee camp名词,难民营。A senior UN official called for an investigation into an airstrike on a Syrian refugee camp that killed at least 28 people. 叙利亚一个难民营被空袭,至少28人丧生,联合国一位高级官员要求对此展开调查。Kenya plans to shut down the world largest refugee camp, where nearly 330,000 Somali refugees currently live. 肯尼亚计划关闭世界上最大的难民营,那里住着将近33万索马里难民。好的,我们今天学习的词是 refugee camp, refugee camp, refugee camp...
