背诵为王 第 二 册 第 08 课(在线收听

8 Volcanic Eruption


  In north-west Cameroon in August 1986, there was a volcaniceruption which devastated the area. At least 1,200 people werekilled and many were left seriously ill with burns andrespiratory infections. Nobody could escape because there wasno warning, just a loud explosion followed by a terrible smelllike that of rotten eggs, and within a short time the entirearea around Lake Nios, which was the site of the eruption, wascovered in smokes.When help came to the villages on the shores of the lake,men,women, children and animals were found dead: some were outsidetheir huts, some still in bed;others were in the fields or onthe village road. It was as if a neutron bomb had explodeddestroying nothing but killing all life. The disaster was theworst incident of its kind and the second time such a disasterhad stuck this West African nation.

volcanic ? 火山的
eruption ? 爆发
devastate 破坏,摧毁
respiratory ? 呼吸的
infection ? 感染
explosion ? 爆炸
rotten ? 恶臭的,腐烂的
neutron bomb 中子弹
disaster ? 灾难


当救援人员赶到湖边的村庄时,男男女女,孩子和动物都已经死亡了: 一些在他们的小屋里,一些还躺在床上,另一些在田野里或是在村里的路上。这好像是一次中子炸弹爆炸,什么也没有毁坏但却杀死了所有生命。这场灾难是这个西非国家遭受的最严重的一次火山爆发,也是这个国家所遭受的第二次大灾难。
