经济学人:阿里巴巴 一审再审(下)(在线收听

 Most intriguingly, the American regulator is also scrutinising how the company has handled its many related-party transactions. Jack Ma, the firm's founder, caused outrage when he unilaterally spun off AliPay, Alibaba's lucrative online-payments arm, in 2011 into an entity that he controlled. That business, now known as Ant Financial Services Group, is valued at $60 billion and is heading for a public flotation.

Where will this SEC action lead? It could be a routine inspection of the sort most public companies can expect from time to time. Alibaba certainly denies any wrongdoing, noting that it is co-operating with the authorities and voluntarily disclosing the fact that it is under investigation. But if the regulators do uncover evidence of real misconduct, things could get nasty for China's most celebrated firm.
The only certainty, argues Vasu Muthyala of Kobre & Kim, a law firm, is that Chinese firms face greater scrutiny. Mr Muthyala, a former prosecutor who previously served at the SEC, says: “As Chinese business looks west for new capital, customers and business partners, there will inevitably be an increase in interest from American regulators.”
高博金律师事务所的 Vasu Muthyala表示唯一确定的是,中国公司面临严格的审查。曾任检察官的Muthyala现在在美国证券交易委员会任职,他表示:“因为中国企业希望在西方寻求新的资金,客户和商业伙伴,美国监管机构对中国的兴趣也会随之增加。”
1.rely on 依靠
例句:We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.
2.global growth 全球经济增长
例句:Sound public finances are a decisive component of economic stability and sustainable global growth.
3.expect to 期望
例句:You cannot expect to like all the people you will work with.
4.blame for 因…怪罪,责怪
例句:The policy is partly to blame for causing the worst unemployment in Europe.