学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2563 abortion(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 abortion. Abortion is spelled a-b-o-r-t-i-o-n, abortion. Abortion 堕胎。South Carolina’s Governor signed a bill that bans most abortions past 19 weeks unless the mother’s life is at risk. 南卡罗莱纳州州长签署法案规定,除非母亲性命攸关,否则怀胎超过19周后禁止堕胎。与此同时,A law passed by the Georgia Legislature reduced the abortion window from 24 weeks to 20 weeks. 乔治亚州议会通过法案,将合法堕胎的孕期从24周减少到20周。好的,我们今天学习的词是 abortion, abortion, abortion...
