背诵为王 第 二 册 第 35 课(在线收听

Lesson35 Peanut Butter
  Americans love to eat peanut butter, but what is it? It is a thick,creamypaste. You buy it in a jar at the grocery store. Manufacturers roastpeanuts and take off the skin. Then they grind them into a thick paste —that's peanut butter!
  The peanut is not really a nut, but a pea. It is a strange pea because itgrows underground. But peanut plants also have green vines with yellowflowers. These vines or stems grow above the ground and are quite long.Peanuts are very healthy for you. They have more protein than a steak andthey have many vitamins, too.The peanut comes from South America, but peanut butter is a food that istruly “American.” Peanut butter started in 1890 in St. Louis. A doctormade some peanut butter. He gave it to patients who could not eat regularfood. Later, peanut butter was popular as a healthy food.Peanut butter is very popular with children in the United States. Perhapstheir favourite way to eat it is in a sandwich. Many children add jelly totheir peanut butter sandwiches. This makes a favourite snack or lunchtimemeal.

thick 厚的
creamy paste 奶油色糊状物
jar        罐子
grind   压碎,碾碎
vine 藤蔓
stem 茎
steak 牛排
jelly 果酱

