留美老师带你每日说英文 第506期:洗冷水澡的好处(在线收听


Studies show that exposing yourself to cold water can activate components of the brain responsible for regulating wakefulness, making you feel alert. Researchers have also found that the shock of cold shower water can increase your metabolic rate further, reducing feelings of fatigue.
1.activate 使活化
activate (v.) 使活化
activity (n.) 活动
2.component 零件、成分
component (n.) 零件、成分
3.regulate 调整、管理
regulate (v.) 调整、管理
regulation (n.) 规章、条例
regular (adj.) 规则的、一般的
4.shock 冲击、震动、震惊
shock (n.) 冲击、震动、震惊
shocking (adj.) 令人震惊的
shark (n.) 鲨鱼
5.increase 增大
increase (v.) 增大
decrease (v.) 减少
6.metabolic 新陈代谢的
metabolic (adj.) 新陈代谢的
metabolism (n.) 新陈代谢
7.fatigue 疲劳
fatigue (n.) 疲劳