英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0621 - 玉林X肉节新举措有用么?(在线收听

Topic 1-Yulin Dog Meat Festival
It's that time of the year again when the Yulin Dog Meat Festival sets off a national debate on animal welfare and the limits of so-called tradition in modern day.
However, the festival, starting every year June 21 on the summer solstice, in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, will still go ahead, though perhaps a little bit quietly this year.
Topic 2-Standardized Law Enforcement of Policemen
Recently, a video showing two young women rudely questioned by police officers in Shenzhen has triggered a public outcry on the substandard law enforcement from the police. How should police officers improve their work?
Topic 3-Bank Staff Getting Spanked
8 staff members of a bank got spanked on stage as a form of punishment, for their colleagues to see and learn from it. How could this be okay?  