英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0622 - 完美主义or强迫症患者?(在线收听

Topic1-Food Waste 2016
A new research program found that the food wasted in Chinese restaurants a year is about 8 million metric tons, which is equal to provision for 200 million people a year.
Why do we bite off more than we can chew?
Experts are calling for more measures to prevent wastage in restaurants and at the family dining table.
Topic2-To Perfectionists
Do you have a very strict routine that you have to follow every day and never let yourself go if you couldn't make it? Or you insist finishing washing all the dishes in the kitchen even when you are sick. Or you have to organize your closet military style otherwise you won't be able to leave the house. If your answer is yes, you might be a perfectionist, or …someone with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).
Topic3-Netizens Complain about the Speed of New 4G Package
Two telecom operators in Beijing are promoting their new 4G packages for mobile phone users. Users can enjoy free internet service after they finish the package. However, many netizens complain that the speed of free internet service is as slow as 2G service.  