英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0623 - 蹭凉族“处处是我家”(在线收听

Topic 1-Publicizing of Info on Sex Offenders Who Target Minors Gains Support
A new document issued by the judiciary in Cixi, East China's Zhejiang province, says information on sex offenders targeting minors will be made public. Will making the private information of sex offenders available for public scrutiny help protect children from such violence in the long run?
Topic 2-Heat Wave 2016
As summer switches into full effect, many Chinese are looking for a good way to beat the heat. But some of these methods have sparked debate as some of these people have been caught sleeping outside, packing in front of school libraries and hanging out in local IKEA stores.
Topic 3-Housework Reduces All-Cause and Cancer Mortality in Men
According to a study, doing housework helps reducing all-cause and cancer mortality in men. Should we ask men to do all the housework for their own good?   