世界节假日博览 第124期:美国独立日(在线收听

 Independence Day in the United States is also known as the Fourth of July. It is a national holiday that commemorates the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This was the day the USA was born and became independent from Great Britain. The terms “Independence Day” and the “Fourth of July” are a well-known part of the USA’s cultural language. People celebrate with national pride. There are fireworks, parades, sporting events and lots more. It is one of the biggest days on America’s holiday calendar. Politicians make speeches celebrating America’s history and traditions. In particular, attention turns to Thomas Jefferson’s speech that declared the United States of America as an independent nation.

每年的7月4日为美国独立日。1776年的7月4日,美国签署《独立宣言》,该节日旨在庆祝该宣言的签署。从此,美国脱离英国殖民统治,美国正式独立。“Independence Day” 和“Fourth of July”也是文化语言的一部分。民族自豪感高涨。人们会举办烟火表演,节日游行以及体育活动等。它也是美国最为重要的节日之一。政界人士发表演讲,重温历史与传统。特别是托马斯·杰弗逊发表的独立演讲。
Independence Day is a red, white and blue affair. The whole of the country displays American flags and banners. There are many festivals that enact famous events from America’s history. It is also a day when the nation gets outdoors. Picnics and barbecues with family and friends are the most popular ways to celebrate. In the evening, there are thousands of fireworks displays across the country. One of the most popular is the Macy’s department store show on New York’s East River. This is televised nationwide by the NBC TV channel. Also in New York, you can witness the Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island. Indeed, American food is of course a big part of the day and millions of hot dogs, burgers and pizzas are eaten.
独立日是星条旗的盛宴。全国境内插满国旗。还会举办许多纪念历史事件的活动。此外,户外活动也是独立日的特色。和朋友家人野餐烧烤是最普遍的庆祝方式。当天晚上,全国会举办数千场烟火表演。最有名的是梅西百货在纽约东河举行的烟火节。美国全国广播公司(NBC)将进行电视直播。还是在纽约,你可以目睹康尼岛的吃热狗大赛。美国食品是独立日的重头戏,那天会吃光数百万个热狗、汉堡和披萨。 known as 被认为是
例句:Will I be known as the philosopher?
2.well-known 众所周知的
例句:He surrounds himself with attractive, intelligent, or well-known people.
3.of course 当然
例句:Of course there were lots of other interesting things at the exhibition.
当然,展览上还有很多其他有趣的展品。 dog 热狗
例句:He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.