日本创业者面临的独特挑战 妻子的阻拦(在线收听

 TOKYO — Entrepreneurs everywhere face challenges like persuading investors to believe in them enough to give them a pile of cash or working out the practical steps of turning their great idea into reality.

But in Japan budding entrepreneurs face two additional challenges known here as “wife block” and “parent block.”
There’s no Japanese Silicon Valley no Japanese Mark Zuckerberg. Almost all Japanese innovation — from the Walkman to the Game Boy — has happened inside the safe cocoon of corporate behemoths such as Sony and Nintendo.
But slowly very slowly the environment for entrepreneurs here is improving.
“It’s slow but the culture is definitely changing for sure” said Allan Watanabe who has started Fileable a data-storage system that can read patents and other legal documents and then offer feedback.
“虽然很缓慢,但是这种文化无疑正在改变中,”Allan Watanabe如是说,他创立了一个叫做Fileable的数据存储系统,这种系统可以读取专利和其他法律文件并提供反馈。