
The church is bright with trophies of the sea,and votive offerings,in commemoration of escape from storm and shipwreck. The dwellings not immediately abutting on the harbour are approached by blind low archways,and by crooked steps,as if in darkness and in difficulty of access they should be like holds of ships,or inconvenient cabins under water;and everywhere,there is a smell of fish,and sea-weed,and old rope.
The coast-road whence Camoglia is descried so far below,is famous,in the warm season,especially in some parts near Genoa,for fire- flies. Walking there on a dark night,I have seen it made one sparkling firmament by these beautiful insects: so that the distant stars were pale against the flash and glitter that spangled every olive wood and hill-side,and pervaded the whole air.
从滨海大道可以远远地看到下面的卡莫格利亚。温暖的季节里,卡莫格利亚,尤其 是热那亚附近的那些地方,以萤火虫而出名。漆黑的夜晚在那里漫步,我看到那些美丽的昆虫使天空闪闪发光:那闪烁的光芒点缀了每片橄榄树林和每座小山丘,照亮了整个天空,连远处的星星也醅然失色。
It was not in such a season,however,that we traversed this road on our way to Rome. The middle of January was only just past,and it was very gloomy and dark weather; very wet besides. In crossing the fine pass of Bracco,we encountered such a storm of mist and rain,that we travelled in a cloud the whole way. There might have been no Mediterranean in the world,for anything that we saw of it there,except when a sudden gust of wind,clearing the mist before it,for a moment,showed the agitated sea at a great depth below,lashing the distant rocks,and spouting up its foam furiously. The rain was incessant;every brook and torrent was greatly swollen; and such a deafening leaping,and roaring,and thundering of water,I never heard the like of in my life.