
I do not think that, considered from the point of view of human culture and happiness, there have been more significant inventions in the history of mankind, more vitally important and more directly contributing to our enjoyment of leisure, friendship, sociability and conversation, than the inventions of smoking, drinking and tea.
All three have several characteristics in common:
first of all, that they contribute toward our sociability;
secondly, that they do not fill our stomach as food does, and therefore can be enjoyed between meals;
第二,这几件 东西不至于一吃就饱,可以在吃饭的中间随时吸饮;
and thirdly, that they are all to be enjoyed through the nostrils by acting on our sense of smell.
So great are their influences upon culture that we have smoking cars besides dining cars, and we have wine restaurants or taverns and tea houses.
In China and England at least, drinking tea has become a social institution.
The proper enjoyment of tobacco, drink and tea can only be developed in an atmosphere of leisure,friendship and sociability. For it is only with men gifted with the sense of comradeship, extremely select in the matter of forming friends and endowed with a natural love of the leisurely life, that the full enjoyment of tobacco and drink and tea becomes possible.
Take away the element of sociability, and these things have no meaning.
如将乐于招待心除去, 这三种东西便成毫无意义。