
Hence as a Chinese writer expresses it:For enjoying flowers, one must secure big-hearted friends.For going to a sing-song houses to have a look at sing-song girls, one must secure temperate friends. For going up a high mountain, one must secure romantic friends. For boating, one must secure friends with an expansive nature. For facing the moon, one must secure friends with a cool philosophy. For anticipating snow, one must secure beautiful friends. For a wine party, one must secure friends with flavor and charm.
Having selected and formed friends for the proper enjoyment of different occasions'one then looks for the proper surroundings. It is not so important that one's house be richly decorated as that it should be situated in beautiful country,with the possibility of walking about on the rice fields, or lying down under shady trees on a river bank.The requirements for the house itself are simple enough. One can "have a house with several rooms, grain fields of several mow, a pool made from a basin and windows made from broken jars, with the walls coming up to the shoulders and a room the size of a rice bushel, and in the leisure time after enjoying the warmth of cotton beddings a meal of vegetable soup, one can become so great that his spirit expands and fills the entire universe.
他对各种享受已选定了不同的适当游伴之后,还须去找寻适当的环境。所住的房屋,布置不必一定讲究,地点也不限于风景优美的乡间,不必一定需一片稻田方足供他的散步,也不必一定有曲折的小溪以供他在溪边的树下小憩。他所需的房屋极其简单,只需:“有屋数间,有田数亩,用盆为池,以瓮为镛, 墙高于肩,室大于斗,布被暧余,藜羹饱后,气吐胸中,充塞宇宙。