
Opening the gate,we tread briskly along the lone country road,crunching the dry and crisped snow under our feet, or aroused by the sharp, clear creak of the wood sled, just starting for the distant market, from the early farmer's door, where it has lain the summer long, dreaming amid the chips and stubble;while far through the drifts and powdered windows we see the farmer's early candle, like a paled star, emitting a lonely beam, as if some severe virtue were at its matins there. And one by one the smokes begin to ascend from the chimneys amid the trees and snows.
打开大门,我们迈着轻快的脚步,踏上僻静的 乡村小路,雪很干很脆,踩上去发出吱吱的响声;早起的农夫,驾着雪橇,到远处的市场上去赶集。这辆雪橇整个夏天都闲置 在农夫的门□,如今与木屑稻梗做伴,可算是有了用武之地。 它尖锐、清晰、剌耳的声音,可真能让早起赶路的人头脑清醒。 透过堆满积雪的农舍,我们看见农夫早早地把蜡烛点亮了,就像一颗孤寂的星星,散发着稀落的光,宛如某种朴素的美德在 作晨祷。接着,烟囱里冒出的炊烟从树丛和雪堆里袅袅升起。
We hear the sound of woodchopping at the farmers'doors, far over the frozen earth,the baying of the house-dog, and the distant clarion of the cock—though the thin and frosty air conveys only the finer particles of sound to our ears, with short and sweet vibrations, as the waves subside soonest on the purest and lightest liquids, in which gross substances sink to the bottom.
我们能听见农夫劈砍柴火的声音,大地冰封,不时有鸡鸣 狗叫声传出。寒冷的空气,只能把那些尖锐的声音传入我们的 耳朵,那些声音听起来短促悦耳;凡是清醇轻盈的液体,稍有波动也很快停止,因为里面的晶体硬块,很快沉到底下去了。
They come clear and bell-like, and from a greater distance in the horizons, as if there were fewer impediments in summer to make them faint and ragged.
The ground is sonorous, like seasoned wood, and even the ordinary rural sounds are melodious, and the jingling of the ice on the trees is sweet and liquid.
走在冰封的土地上,声音犹如敲击坚硬的木块那样洪亮,甚至是乡村里最平凡的声响,都听起来美妙动听, 树上的冰条,互相撞击,听起来像铃声一样悦耳,乐在其中。
There is the least possible moisture in the atmosphere, ail being dried up or congealed, and it is of such extreme tenuity and elasticity that it becomes a source of delight.