走进耶鲁大学 第45期:穷才子的天堂(在线收听

 Yale-Paradise for the Poor But Talented Students

Are you one of those promising students who dream to be admitted to a prestigious university abroad yet feel embarrassed when it comes to the problem of money? Never mind. Money is not a problem. At least being poor is not a hindrance for your enrolment to Yale. So please apply for Yale-a paradise for the poor but talented students and you are sure to realize you dream here if you are competent enough.
Yale has the financial aid philosophy that when admitting students, the admission is only on the basis of academic and personal promise and without regard to their ability to pay. Once a student is admitted, Yale meets 100% of that student's demonstrated financial need. All aid is need-based; there are no athletic or merit-based awards. This policy helps to ensure that Yale will always be accessible to talented students from the widest possible range of backgrounds. Furthermore, Yale's admissions process is need-blind, which means that no applicant will ever be denied admission to Yale because of his or her family's financial situation. Applicants from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds may be eligible for need-based aid.
耶鲁一直奉行着这样的经济资助原则:对学生的录取完全取决于学生的学术及个人发展前途,从不会考虑他们的经济实力。一旦某学生被录取了,耶鲁会满足学生所陈述的全部经济需求。在耶鲁所有的经济资助都是以需求为基础的,而没有奖学金或是择优奖学金。这项政策确保了耶鲁可以从最广泛的生源中选择录取最有天分的学生。 此外,耶鲁在录取过程中从不关心学生对资金的需求,这就意味着学生绝不会因为自己家庭的经济状况而被耶鲁拒之门外。因此不论是来自何种社会经济背景的申请者, 都有可能获得耶鲁提供的以需求为基础的经济资助。
The history of need-based award can be traced back to 1966. In 1966,Yale was the first major university in the nation to make two commitments that very few institutions of higher education have been able to make or sustain to this day: need-based financial aid and need-blind admissions. For over forty years, the University has not taken into consideration whether a family can pay for a Yale education when she is deciding whether to make an offer of admission. Yale has also sustained for four decades a commitment to meet the full amount of determined financial need for every United States or Canadian citizen admitted here. In 2000,the University extended that same commitment to all non-Canadian international students.
耶鲁以学生需求为基础的奖学金制度可以追溯到1966年。那时,耶鲁是美国名校中第一个做出向学生提供以需求为基础的经济资助以及在录取时不考虑学生经济需求这两项承诺的高校。当时几乎没有其他高校能够做出这样的承诺或是将这个承诺坚守到现在。在这40多年中, 耶鲁在录取学生时从来没有考虑过他/她的家庭能否为其支付学费。耶鲁同时也将这个承诺坚守了40年:她会满足每一个被录取的美国及加拿大公民的全部经济申请。2000年,耶鲁将这项承诺的适用范围扩展到了除加拿大以外的所有国家。
Besides, in 2000,Yale began allowing students to apply 100 percent of scholarships awarded by external organizations to reduce their self-help requirement. Previously, only 50 percent of outside funds were used to reduce self-help.
In addition to the scholarships available, there are many opportunities for students to take part-time jobs. Students on aid at Yale, as at all of its peer universities, are asked to take personal responsibility for a modest share of the cost of their education through a combination of term-time earnings, summer earnings, and low-cost loans. Furthermore, Yale's extensive campus employment system provides jobs for every student on financial aid who wishes to earn income while attending school. Increases in the rate of pay over several years have brought the average to over $11.50 per hour in 2007, the highest level of compensation paid for student work among Yale's peers.
Even more pleasing is that Yale never ceases her pace in offering financial aid to those who need it. On January 14,2008,Yale University unveiled its most recent initiative in financial aid by significantly cutting costs for families and students with financial need. The move will reduce the average cost of sending a student to Yale by over 50% across a broad range of income levels.
更令人欣慰的是,在为学生提供经济资助方面耶鲁从没有停滞不前。2008年1月 14日,耶鲁推出了最新的经济资助方案,此举大大削减了需要经济资助的家庭或学生的开支。这项举措将为送孩子到耶鲁读书的各种收人阶层的家庭减少一半的支出。