
A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her ,She did not know she was going to make it and wantde to give up.
She was tired of fighting and struggling .It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.
Her father ,a cook ,took her to the kitchen ,He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high frie .Soon the pots came to a boil.
她的父亲是名厨师,他把她带进了厨房,在三个壶里分别装了水,然后放到火上烧。很快, 壶里的水开了。
In one he placed carrots,in the second he placed eggs, and in the last he placed ground coffee beans.He ler them sit and boil, without saying a word.
The daughter sucked her teech and impatiently waited ,wondering what he was doing.In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners, He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl.
女儿撅着嘴,不耐烦得等着,对父亲的行为感到很纳闷。大约二十分钟后,父亲关了火炉, 把胡萝卜倒进一个碗里。
He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl.Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a mug.Turning to her he asked,"Darling,what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs ,and coffee."she repled.
又把鸡蛋拿出来放进另一个碗里,接着把咖啡倒进一个杯子里,然 后转过头来,对她说,“亲爱的,你看见了什么?” “胡萝卜、鸡蛋和咖啡。”她答道。
He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots ,She did and noted that they were soft .
He then asked her to take an egg and break it,After pulling off the shell ,she obsered the hard-boiled egg.
Finally,he asked her to sip the coffee .She smiled ,as she tasted its rich aroma. "What does it mean ,Father?"she humly asked .
最后,父亲要她喝咖啡。铲倒芳香四溢的咖啡,她笑了。 “这是什么意思,父亲/?"她谦恭的问道。
He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water ,but each reacted differently,The carrot went in strong, hard ,and unrelenting ,But after being subjected to the boiling water ,it softened and weak.
父亲解释说,这三洋东西面临着同样的逆境-----煮沸的水。但它们的反映却各不相同。胡萝 卜本是强硬,坚固而不甘示弱的,但受到开水的影响后,它变得柔软而脆弱。
The egg had being fragile, Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior.But after sitting through the boiling water ,its inside became hard ened ,The ground coffee beans were unique ,however ,After they were in the boiling water ,they had changed the water . "Which are you?"he asked his daughter. When adversity knocks on your door ,how do you respond?Are you a carrot ,an egg ,or a coffee bean?
鸡蛋本来易碎, 薄薄的外壳保护着内部的液体。但是开水煮过以后,它的内部却变得坚硬。不过,最独特的 却是磨碎的咖啡豆,经过沸腾的水后,它们却改变了水。“哪一个是你呢?”他问女儿。当不幸降临到你头上时,你该如何应对呢?你是胡萝卜、鸡蛋,还是咖啡豆?