
Next morning Dairyman Crick sent all the dairy people out into a field to search for garlic plants.
One bite by one cow was enough to make the whole day's butter taste of garlic.
It was not by accident that Clare walked next to Tess.
"Don't they look pretty?"she said to him.
"Izzy Huett and Retty."She had decided that either would make a good farmer's wife.
"Pretty? Well, yes, I have often thought so.
"They are excellent dairywomen.
"Yes,though not better than you."Clare observed them.
"She is blushing,"continued Tess bravely,"because you are looking at her."
She could hardly say"Marry one of them if you really don't want a fine lady!Don't think of marrying me!"
From now on she tried to avoid spending time with Angel.She gave the other three every chance.